Maybe Good is the New Evil

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(I'm ran out of dream puns, ok?!)

A week has passed and the Doom Raiders still haven't heard back from Dreamcatcher. They assumed she was captured by portal master, why they weren't informed that she's found them is beyond them. Now unless they can save her, they no longer have an informant or Psychic and still have no idea what the Portal Master even looks like. Meanwhile, Izuku has been trying to bond with the floating head with little to no luck. Dreamcatcher has been going to Izuku's training session (against her will) by his request. Due to him learn the Fire Element so fast, Izuku is now learning about the Air Element with Present Mic supervising.

Eruptor guided Izuku to a certain name in the book. Izuku nodded and summoned the skylander.

"Jet-Vac!" Izuku yelled

The beam appeared and a figure emerged. A humanoid bird wearing a jetpack and wielding some sort of gun that's connected to said jetpack.

 A humanoid bird wearing a jetpack and wielding some sort of gun that's connected to said jetpack

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"Hawk and Awe!"

"So cool!" Izuku awed.

"I take it you're the Portal Master Spyro has talked about?" Jet-Vac said before laying his eyes on Dreamcatcher. "And Miss Dreamcatcher. I've heard of your recent capture via email, haven't seen you since Cloud Cracker was rebuilt."

"Bite me, Pigeon." Dreamcatcher replied bitterly.

"No need to be rude." Jet-Vac said, slightly offended by that pigeon insult. "I'm also aware of your predicament and since you're here, why not help me train the child in the Air Element?"

"I haven't been having a lot of choices recently so why not." Dreamcatcher accepted, a little surprised he asked in the first place. "You wanna start or me?"

"We sure that's a good idea?" Present Mic asked.

"Don't worry, Jet's a teacher, he knows what he's doing." Eruptor replied. "And nobody tries any funny business in his class, at least not without him knowing it."

"I'll start the lesson." Jet-Vac said to the head. "Now, Young Midoriya was it? Air is everywhere, as you learned from your battle against your nightmares. Air controls the winds, learn to master it, and the wind is yours to command."

"I subject moving in the wind's direction." Dreamcatcher added. "It never stops moving and doesn't wait for anyone, kinda like time."

Izuku was surprised she gave him seemingly good advice, only making any regret he had to redeeming her disappear even more. He started moving in the direction the wind was going, it was caught in the trash maze looking for a way out. It attempted to lose Izuku but with no luck, surprising it. As fast as  the wind went it couldn't lose him. Now seeing him as a worthy opponent, the wind went back to Izuku and picked him up. Izuku, now able to control the wind, was flying his way back to the others, all of which are surprised on how fast he managed to harness the element.

But none more surprised then Dreamcatcher, 'how did he do it so fast?!' She thought. 'It took me weeks just to learn levitation, and he pretty much mastered it in less then a day. What is your thought process Midoriya?'

She's soon finds out because after the day's end Everyone goes home for the night. Dreamcatcher knew it was her time to strike as Eruptor was on Skylander guard duty and he couldn't stay awake. She inserted herself into the boy's dream to insure she's not detected.

In Izuku's dream, he was in the park having fun with the Skylanders and an oddly nice Dreamcatcher. She couldn't help but coo at the innocence of the scene before realizing something.

'Is this how he sees me? Even after I tried to kill him?' She thought.

Dreamcatcher put that thought away and continued to search Izuku's dreamscape for secrets. She found little to nothing other then of the boy's small secrets like a missed homework assignment or stubbing his toe and not telling anyone about it. None of this was useful to her so she looked around only to see a treasure chest of secrets on the other side of park, and across from where Izuku and the others were playing.

She cursed at herself, there's no way she is getting across without getting noticed, clever kid. That's when came up with an idea, she'll alter the dream to temporarily remove the fake Dreamcatcher so she can take her place and sneak pass. After she did this, the nice Dreamcatcher disappeared and the original Dreamcatcher went to where she was before anyone noticed.

"Hey, Dreamcatcher, wanna play heroes and villains with us?" Izuku shouted trying to get her attention.

"Uh, sure." Dreamcatcher replied. "I'm guessing I'm being a villain?"

"Do you want to be?" As Izuku asked that, Dreamcatcher was pretty much shocked.

'H-He's letting me have a choice, or is he just messing with me?' Dreamcatcher thought before she answered. "N-No."

"Then you don't have to be." Izuku said with a smile. "You can be a hero if you want."

She couldn't take it and excused herself. She floated in the direction she originally planned in a panic. 'Nobody ever gave me a choice like that, not even the Raiders.' Dreamcatcher thought with tears in her eyes. 'My parents didn't give me a choice when they sent me to Lucid Lockdown, Goldie wouldn't give me a choice in sparing the kid, even Earth's police didn't give me a choice with this whole redemption thing.'

Without realizing it she was face to face with the chest. It looked ready to be opened and all of Izuku's deepest darkest secrets would be hers and she would be able to use them to escape, but she's starting to second guess herself. Does she betray the one person who gave her a choice in her life? Would it even be worth it? After a solid minute of thinking she decided. She would open the chest...

But she couldn't do it. She couldn't betray him, why? Because he saw her as a friend, someone who should have rights, someone he trusts. How could she throw that away? She then altered the dream to bury the chest far into his subconscious, somewhere even she can't reach, and left the dream.

She awoke in the boy's room again. Everyone was still sleeping so she decided to steal Eruptor's job and watch over them for the night. 'Ya know, this isn't too bad actually. Dreamcatcher thought happly. 'Who knows, maybe good is the new evil.'

(Roll credits! Except don't, the fic ain't over yet. So that was Dreamcatcher's redemption so tell me, was it rushed?)

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