Pirates vs Dreams

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(Again, I regret nothing. 😈)

-2 hours later Elsewhere on the beach-

"They should've been back by now." Jet-Vac said, puzzled as to why his student and assistant hasn't returned yet. "What's taking so long?"

"We would've known if you let me go with Dreamcatcher." Elf whispered bitterly.

"Please, you would've given her the same you give Spyro when he pretends to listen." Jet-Vac replied. "Look, I'm aware of your suspensions against her but the least you can do is not follow her everywhere she goes."

"I just know she's up to something." Elf whispered. "It's just like last time, we catch her, she pretends to change, and then before you know it her trap is busted and she's gone. I'm not taking any chances."

-back with Dreamcatcher-

"Get back here lassie!" Brawl and Chain yelled as he and Brawlrus chased the floating head.

'This is getting ridiculous.' Dreamcatcher thought while flying away from the pirates. 'They keep trying to take short cuts to cut me off, how stupid do they think I am?'

"That's it! I've had enough of this!" Brawl and Chain caved and shot a hook at Dreamcatcher.

"Ah!" Dreamcatcher exclaimed in pain and dropped the Izuku mannequin, the hook was a direct hit. The pirate slammed her to the ground, creating a large sand splash.

"Now that's how you do it." Brawl and Chain said proudly.

"You couldn't have done that two hours ago?" Brawlrus pointed out.

"Uh, shut it! Let's just get what we came for!" Brawl and Chain said as they were making their way over to her to collect their prize.

-Elsewhere at a Cafe-

Hera Strilina was having a slow day. Usually at this time a villain would attack and attract hundreds of heroes for her to report on, however it seems crime has been very slow today. Not that it's a bad thing, it just makes it hard to do her job.

She and her camera man Zee Minoko were at a cafe near Dianoga Beach getting coffee. 'Maybe I can do a story on how this beach is a literal dumb.' She thought to herself.

' She thought to herself

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