I Hate Soda| Part 8

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Nash's POV

Skylar and I walked towards a table and sat down at the two seats. We talked about lots of fun and random things. It was great. Seeing her smile gave me intense butterfles inside. i kknow it sounds cheesey, but that's how she made me feel. By the time i looked at my watch it was already 12:00. We had been talking for about half an hour. it only seemed like a coule of minutes. i knew people where going to start to leave soon, so if i wanted to ask her i would have to do it fast. Before it would get awkward with no one around to hide the pain of rejection. I asked her if she wanted to come outside with me to get some fresh air and she agreed.

Cam's POV

the whole time Nash and Skylar where talking i was staring them down.

Thankfully none of them saw me. After what seemed to be 50 years they got up and started heading for the door to that backyard. i knew that didn't mean anything  good for me. when i saw them get up my palms started to get sweaty and disgusting. I could feel my eyes turning blood shot red but i hid that pretty well with a chill face. At least i hoped. i wlalked away and went to the washroom. Fianlly i was alone and could think of a plan to end this before it even began.

Skylar's POV

we sat on the bench in the backyard and looked at all the stars. We listened to the calm summer night. it was refreshing to be around a great new friend. who was even charming and cute.I loved his deep, deep blue eyes and dark hair, it was one of the best combonations i have ever seen. he had the most perfect smile. he always felt like everything awesome in the world. and it made me ten times more comfortable around him. i Turend my head towards him and found that he was alredady staring at me and i started to blush. Before anyone could say anything he leaned in and SPLASH ! A whole jug of grape soda was now all over my clothes.Dripping wet i looked up to see how this could have possibly happend. i looked up to see the great comedian, Cameron Dallas laughing histarically. Trust me i had some words to say to him.

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