Chapter 6: The Accident

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It had been around eleven at night, Tony listening to music as he did the school work in front of him. Tony hummed the bass line of the Rex Orange County song, quietly mumbling the words when suddenly his phone shocked him out of his concentration.

Unknown: Hey!

Tony looked down to the phone, confused about who would be texting him so late at night, it wasn't Tanaka as he had his number saved in his phone.

Tony: Hi, who is this?

Tony shot the text off, placing his phone back down on his desk, waiting for the sound of it vibrating. The boy closed his school book, knowing Takeda would give him extra help if he needed it. The boy flopped down on his bed when his phone lit up once again.

Unknown: Oh right, sorry. It's Suga, from the volleyball team? Are you doing anything?

Tony's eyebrows furrowed at the sight, curious as to why Suga, who had only talked to the boy a few times prior had suddenly popped up in his life. Tony quickly typed back to the boy, curious about what he needed.

Tony: No, just laying here. Why what's up?

Suga: Oh okay, is there any way you could come over to my house? I need to talk to someone and I can't really talk about this with the rest of the team.

Tony looked at the message, his fingers reacting before his brain could stop them.

Tony: Sure, address?


Tony slipped on a hoodie and some sweats as he grabbed his keys from his desk, already knowing his helmet was out on his motorcycle. The boy quietly left his room, not trying to disturb his uncle who was asleep on the couch, alcoholic drinks littering the floor next to him causing Tony to sigh.

The boy left the house and pushed his helmet onto his head before hopping onto the bike, turning it's lighting on as he started it up and backed out of the driveway. Suga's house wasn't far away so it wouldn't be too bad of a ride. The boy hummed along with the music that had been playing in his ears as he rode through the empty streets.

He quickly pulled into the boy's driveway, turning the bike off before sending the grey-haired boy that he was at the house, the front door swiftly opening revealing a comfortable-looking Sugawara with a confused look on his face.

He quickly pulled into the boy's driveway, turning the bike off before sending the grey-haired boy that he was at the house, the front door swiftly opening revealing a comfortable-looking Sugawara with a confused look on his face

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Tony hopped off of his bike as he pulled the helmet from his head, hanging it off the helmet and making his way towards the boy as he stuck his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"You didn't tell me you drove, let alone a motorcycle," Suga said, looking to the two-toned boy who shrugged, he must've forgotten telling everyone since it wasn't that big of a deal to him.

"Better than a car. You wanna go inside? It's cold out here." Tony said causing Suga to nod and lead the two-toned boy into his house, taking his shoes off at the door and telling him to do the same. Tony nodded as he yawned, removing his shoes and following the boy up to his room.

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