Important People

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The above image is that of Kate.

The above song is Falling by Harry Styles. Damn the lyrics are so EMOTIONAL!! I cried, as in literally I cried. His voice holds so much pain in this song. Also in the bridge, his range and breathe control is really good. Enjoy. Thank me later!!!

Rose's POV:

 I got up and went downstairs after getting ready. I hadn't got any sleep yesterday and after that fiasco I was mentally exhausted. I didn't eat much of breakfast. Dave was back to his cheerful self but I knew that he was just hiding his pain away from me. I held his hand and gave it a small squeeze. He smiled and mouthed 'I'm fine', but I knew he wasn't else he would give some insane comment. I smiled back. Just at that moment, my phone beeped and I saw that it was a message from Kate. She texted saying that she was in Synique and was joining school today. Thank Goodness, I needed her right now and she did come to help me. She truly is my knight in shining armor.

Kate is my best friend since a millennium. Like literally 1000 years. She is 1000 years old but is still younger than me. She has helped me a lot to cope with Zane's death. She is my lifesaver and was always there for me whenever I needed her.

I went to school and met Raymond in the hallway. As soon as he saw me he gave a tentative smile.

"Hey! Are you okay? Yesterday you were kinda dull."

"Yeah I am good."

We were walking in the hallway towards our French class – which we had together, when I spotted her. She had long, blonde hair. As soon as I caught her attention I called her to come to the place where we were standing. She waved back enthusiastically and came towards us.

Raymond looked at her and then back at me, "New friend?"

"No, she is actually my old friend. We used to study in the same school before as well. We were and still are best friends." Smooth lie Rose. Very smooth lie.


Kate came towards us and wrapped me in a big hug. I also returned her hug.

"Thank goodness you are here."

As soon as she heard that she stiffened and asked, "Why, what happened? Is it about..." she trailed off without completing her sentence when she realized that Raymond was next to me.

"No... it isn't about him. It's complicated. I will tell you later. Now meet Raymond my friend. Raymond this is Kate, my bestie."

They greeted each other and I and Raymond went to French class. It went by very slow and Raymond and I were talking to each other about just anything and everything.

After French, I went to Bio where I got to know that Kate will be my new partner. I explained to her what happened and watched as horror and confusion appeared on her face.

"Wait a minute. So Lily is Raymond's sister and she is still alive. I mean how is that possible? I thought she died 191 years ago. Does Dave know about this?"

When I nodded, she continued, "How is he?"

"He says that he is good but I know that from inside he is completely shattered."

She just nodded and fell silent. Classes went by very quickly and before we knew we were on our way home.

We both reached home and as soon as we entered the house Kate ran up to Dave and wrapped him in a big hug which he returned.

She whispered to him, "We will find her."

He smiled and nodded. In that one second, he let his guard down and I could see the actual pain that he was in. Seeing Dave like that was heart – shattering for me. According to me, having a knife being stabbed in your heart over a thousand times was much better than seeing the face, of the person who stood by you through the dark, crumple down. I think he read my thoughts because he let his guard back on and brought a smile back on his face. I frowned at that. Yes I was his younger sister but still it hurt knowing that he is not expressing himself because I will get hurt.

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