From House to Home

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Today's song is There You Are by Zayn. It is really good and has a nice R&B vibe to it. The instrument use, production and his vocals really blend together well. It seems that this song is about someone very special to his. Maybe his mom or Gigi. I don;t know but it is good. Enjoy. Thank me later!!!

Rose's POV:

As soon as we finished unpacking to a certain extent, everyone except Evan and Kate went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. There was less cooking and more laughter. We finally finished cooking half an hour later and when we went to call Evan and Kate for breakfast they were like, "Oh! Thank God. I thought we wouldn't get breakfast at all."

We all sat down to have breakfast. After that I, Dave and Kate helped the three of them to unpack all their stuff and also helped them to get settled down in the house. After that we were all sitting together and talking about casual things. Evan, at first, didn't take much interest in the conversation and didn't interact much but later started opening up to us.

After a long time, Evan said, "You know, the reason why I was angry at you guys before wasn't because I was jealous of you guys or something. Trust me I am the most happiest to see my sister and my brother happy. It's just that I don't really have many real friends so I thought I would get some friends over here and when I saw that you guys were really busy with only yourselves, I got angry. But then I realized that I was so wrong about you guys. I didn't find friends but a family which was so welcoming to me and both my siblings from the start. I am really sorry for misunderstanding you guys."

I just smiled at him and said, "You don't have to worry about that. Most people misunderstand us. We are used to it. Also, don't worry, we treated you like family because you are family. After all you are my BIL."

"BIL meaning?"

"Brother in Law."

'Oh! Ya. You're right."

The rest of the day went by in helping them. As night fell, we finished dinner and were talking when Evan called it a night. I showed him to his room. Lily and Dave went to his room. Ray looked at me but I said, 'Hell no!"

I showed him to his room which was next to mine. Dave just had to choose that room for Ray. Great work Dave. Absolutely excellent!

I went into my room. Everything went by right, but why do I feel that something is off about Evan. Like he is quite, way too quite. And I just have this feeling that...maybe I am just overthinking. After the day's work I was really tired and sleepy. As soon as I hit the bed my eyes started closing and it was not long after that I was sound asleep. As soon as I woke up the next morning I heard some weird noises. Were they vessels clanging against each other? I rose from the bed and went down to the kitchen to find Ray and Lily searching for something and by the looks of it they hadn't yet found it. I could hear their conversations.

Ray was the first to speak, "God! Where the hell is salt? This kitchen is really huge."

I laughed a little and said, "It is on the counter only Ray, but why the hell are you two up so early and cooking?"

Ray smiled and looked at the floor. After some time he said, "We are staying here so we thought why not cook breakfast for everyone."

"You know that's not really necessary."

That's when Lily spoke, "We know that it's not necessary but we just wanted to do it."

"Okay but why didn't you ask me or Dave or even Kate where all the ingredients were?"

"Because then we knew you guys wouldn't let us cook breakfast."

"Fine I give up."

Later at the breakfast table, we all decided that since Ray and Lily would get up early, they would cook breakfast, while I and Dave would cook dinner and Kate and Evan can start learning how to cook if they wanted by preparing the snacks.

When we suggested the snacks part, both Evan and Kate just said, "Nope, not interested."

We just laughed. After breakfast we all went to get ready. Evan attended another school, so he went in his car to his school, while the rest of us went in my car. As soon as our fellow schoolmates saw us all together, the stares and whispers started. Some people gave just an I-don't-care-look while the others were promptly staring at us. We chose to ignore them.

Just then, my friend Jasmine came towards us and asked, "Ok, I am so confused. Why the hell are they staring at you guys?"

She was really good at acting as though she didn't know anything. But maybe she really didn't know what the hell was going on so I said, "They are all looking because me, Ray and Lily came together. They are thinking that I and Ray are a thing and Lil is a side-fiddle."

"Well, it does look like you guys are a thing and that she is a side-fiddle. No offense."

"None taken. Oh and by the way, is it that obvious that we both are a thing?"

"Yeah, I mean you guys are holding hands and literally sticking to each other so it is pretty obvious."

"Oh ok. Oh by the way guys this is Jasmine Sutton. We both have Spanish together."

They all finished the introductions and we headed towards class. My first class was music. When I asked Lily and Ray what theirs was I got to know that we all had the same first class. As we entered the class, we saw that it was more of an auditorium than a classroom. I mean it was music class after all.

We were all asked to introduce ourselves and then sing a song so that our teacher – Ms. Denver – could judge our voices and train us.

As it was my turn I stood up and introduced myself. "Hello all. My name is Rose McKanner."

Everyone except Lil and Ray gasped softly and even those who weren't paying attention were now sitting uptight. Guess everyone knew the story.

That's when Ms. Denver asked, "Nice to meet you, Rose. What will you be singing for us today."

"I will sing 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion."

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and started to sing. Time seemed to flow and before I knew the song was over.

As I sat down Ms.Denver said, "Wow! Your vocal range is really powerful. You are able to hit both high and low notes. Impressive work."

I mumbled a 'thanks' and sat down. One by one everyone finished their part.

The day is going by good until you. Hope it continues like this only.

(A/N): I know this is a short-chapter, sorry about it. Who is Jasmine? Why does Rose feel as though something is wrong with Evan? Keep reading to find out.

So, how is today's song?

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Happy reading!!! :)

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