Chapter 2

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Renee's POV


I woke up to the sound of my monotone alarm, I groaned. School. I sighed deeply and slowly sat up. The first day of the year to be exact, it feels like just yesterday that school finished, but that was school does to you I guess, it sneaks up on you. I sat there on my bed looking like a retard blinking slowly. 

I shook my head and jumped out of bed and headed towards my wardrobe. The first thing I did was pick up my iPhone 4 from its charger, I saw a message. From Bella or Isabella, my best friend. 

 Hey bebs, can’t wait to see you! Missed you! We’ll talk at school, xo Bella :)

 I texted back,

 Hey Bells, missed you too xoxo c u at school, xo :) R

I smiled, Bella was the most amazing girl, she has medium length wavy blonde hair and hazel brown eyes. She excels in basically all topics, and her reports are practically perfect. She has a cheeky side to her and can be very out going. 

I picked out my school uniform, a light blue blouse and a navy blue checked skirt, I grabbed my grey cardigan and headed towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my long waist length dark, brown hair. It was a mess. I grabbed my brush and brushed all the knots out, it hung dead straight. I brushed my straight fringe and it bounced into place along with my bangs, I liked my hair like that, I never really had to do anything to it. I looked to my eyes, they looked an especially dull green this morning. When I was more awake they really stood out and sparkled bright green. I splashed some water on my face and brushed on a some really dark brown mascara on my eyelashes still blinking slowly. I never really liked to wear to much makeup, just for special occasions. I tucked my hair behind my ear and headed downstairs. I walked into my kitchen, my mum was out, she always had to leave early for work, as long as I can remember. She was a nurse at Gildford’s Children’s Hospital. She had to work late too, and today was Tuesday so she had to work till 10:00. I usually don’t see her on the weekdays but on the weekends we have the best time.

My mum and I are really close, well, ever since my dad left. I was just a kid, but I remember it so well. I blinked away some tears in my eyes, it still hurts to think about it. I grabbed a box of cereal pushing away the thought, I tipped it into a bowl, I like to eat a lot. But I have my fast metabolism to blame for that. I went to the fridge and got out the berry yogurt,  I was weird like that, I preferred yogurt on my cereal than milk. I sat down to quickly eat my food, I glanced up at the clock CRAP!! It was 8.10am already!! School started in half an hour! It took me about half an hour to walk to school, I rushed upstairs and brushed my teeth, swooped into my room and shoved on my black vans on, grabbed my school bag and grabbed my keys and my phone from the bench and ran out the door. It took me a second to get my bearings but a few seconds later my eyes adjusted to the light and I rushed towards the traffic lights.

I waved to my next door neighbor, Mrs Gordano, a small mexican lady, as she was watering her flower garden. The traffic lights flashed green and I ran across the road and headed down the road towards hell, or as some people know it, school. 

20 minutes later I arrived at the school gates, I took some deep breaths to slow down my pulse, and brushed my hair down flat and walked calmly into school. 

“Miss Anderson!! Late again!” Shouted someone from above,

I looked up to see Ms Iridius glaring down from a window above, she was my roll call teacher, 

“Sorry Ms! I slept in!” I yelled,

“Well hurry along now! or you’ll miss first period! And it’s your first day too!” She frowned 

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