Chapter 3

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Renee’s POV

The glorious rays of sun shone through my window. I stretched my arms and smiled. Saturday has always been my favourite day of the week. I looked at my phone. The time read 11:38 am. Wow, I had a long sleep in. But it doesn’t surprise me considering Belle and I were co-ordinating an outfit for tonight.

I slumped out of bed, draping my purple dressing gown over my singlet and Tweedy pyjama pants, wrapping my hair into a messy bun and skipping down the stairs, my stomach growling.

“Morning, sweetie!” My mum chirped from the kitchen bench. She was dressed in a pink singlet with the Nike slogan ‘Just Do It’ splashed across it in a vibrant orange.

“Ugh, morning. Where were you so early this morning?” I asked curiously.

 “Just went for a run,” was her short reply.

“But, you never go for runs. Ever. Who are you trying to impress?” I questioned, opening the fridge and taking out the Greek yoghurt.

“Um.. No one, much…”


“Well just this guy, he’s nothing special. I’ve just seen him a couple of times in and out from work. He’s so fit, Ren!” 

“Aw it’s so weird you having a crush at the age of… Old! But none the less I’m really happy for you. You’ve finally found something to take your mind off..” Dad. Is what I wanted to say but I knew if I said anymore, there would be waterworks. It was a touchy subject.

“So!” Was my failed attempt to lighten the mood. “What are you going to do tonight, home alone? Cause me and Bells won’t be back till like, 2? Well I don’t know, late.”

“Work. Saturday’s are my latest night shifts, remember? I’ll probably be straight to bed, if I don’t watch a movie.”

“Oh… Yeah.” I said as I sprinkled my berries onto my yoghurt and fished a spoon from the drawers. I started to eat my yogurt.

 “Have you got an outfit for tonight? Are you trying to impress Niall because I can’t deny, he’s pretty cute!” 

“MUM!! NO!! That is wrong! You can’t say that someone half your age is cute! That’s like, against the law! And I’m not trying to impress him; I’m not keen on any of them. I’m just going out of pure manners,” I said, devouring a huge dollop of my breakfast. And.. Er.. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. I really want to go to the concert. I’ve never really been to one before.

“To answer your first question though, yes. I have picked out an outfit. Although you aren’t allowed to see it until tonight!” I smiled at her. She huffed. She has always hated surprises.

“If I must,” she said, sighing again.

“Good. I’m glad we see eye to eye.” I laughed, mocking one of my teachers, Mr Hamilton. He was my Science teacher.

I finished off my yoghurt and dumped the bowl and spoon into the sink. I ran up to my room and stripped off my dressing gown and pyjamas, leaving them in a messy heap on the floor.

The drops of the warm shower water trickled down my back. I had a song stuck in my head. It had been going around in my head for a while, I just could never remember the title of it, so I started humming it.

“The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I’ll love them endlessly…”

It was a One Direction song. Ugh! Bella must’ve got it stuck in my head. Stupid Jingle Bells.

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