24 | Bus Partners

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Third Person POV

School Camp Day. Sunghoon was busy trying to grab all the things he need for the camp since he was procrastinating last night. Jake on the other hand couldn't wait any longer. He stepped outside and walked until he reached the school cafe near their university.

"You're early." Sunghoon said as he sat in the opposite direction of Jake. Sunghoon arrived a little late because he was rushing, but Jake didn't mind it a single bit.

"Did you order yet?" Sunghoon asked.

"No, I wanted to wait for you." Jake said as he passed Sunghoon the menu.

Sunghoon ordered Iced Americano while Jake ordered steamed white milk. They didn't want to eat a lot since they'll be stopping at gasoline stations since it's a 5 hour drive.

Sophia was stressed since she woke up late. She showered and blow dried her hair as fast as she could and then proceeded to do her makeup. She tried her best to be fast which caused her to have her eyeliner ruined. She had to redo her right eye makeup again. She grabbed her bags and went downstairs, but she noticed that Jake left already.

She then had no choice but to take the bus which she hated by the time she got there the bus that Jake and Sunghoon took already left.

"Is everyone here?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, but Sunoo isn't here yet. Niki where is he?" Geonu said.

"He went to the bathroom." Niki said.

"Do we have assigned buses?" Jake asked.

"No, as far as I know it's first come first serve." Jungwon replied.

Once Sunoo arrived they all lined up near where the bus will park since they all want to be together. The first bus arrived and they all went near the back since the teachers and chaperones are all in the front. As usual, all the couples sat next to each other and Jay was the only one without a partner.

The bus quickly ran out of seats since students were excited and wanted to sit with their groups. The bus was almost about to leave until someone just knocked at the bus.

Sophia was running really fast to find the bus Jake is at and she knocked at the bus loudly. The driver was annoyed but had to open the door for the rude classmate.

"Sophia, this bus is already full." One of the chaperones said.

"Is Jake here?" She asked.

"Yes, why?" The chaperone replied.

"I want to sit next to him and Miss, you do know my dad's company is well-know so I can fire you easily." Sophia said looking at the lady.

"Sophia, I can also report to your parents how rudely you're behaving. This school doesn't tolerate favoritism so if you still want to attend this school camp, I advise you to go find the bus that will welcome you." The lady said causing all the students to reach with "ohhh".

Sophia didn't say anything and just stomped before she left and ran to one of the buses.

"She's crazy." Jake said and laid on Sunghoon's shoulder.

"Are you tired?" Sunghoon asked.

"No, I just want to be close to you." Jake said and was about to kiss Sunghoon's cheeks, but the younger turned causing their lips to crash together. The older was surprised so he tried to remove his lips, but the younger already placed his hand on the older's cheeks, deepening the kiss.

Sunghoon was very tempting so Jake had no choice but to respond to the kiss. Jake was scared to get caught even though they're at the back of the bus. Sunghoon on the other hand was enjoying it.

Jake's soft lips, his sweet taste. He couldn't get tired of it. Jake and Sunghoon were getting breathless so Sunghoon sadly had to pause their session and not even ten seconds, their lips are connected again.

"Wow, you two really are shameless huh?" Jay said as the group was put in their first stop. They were at a gas station tha was like a mall. There were different fastfood chains and even clothing stores. They all decided to eat at McDonalds since the group had been getting pretty hungry.

"What are you talking about?" Jake asked confused with what Jay was saying.

"On your neck." Geonu said.

Jake took out his phone and looked at his neck and he saw a purple-ish mark that he wasn't even aware about.

"I thought I told you not to suck that hard." Jake whispere-yelled to Sunghoon and hit him on his wrist.

"I got carried away okay...and you did liked it." Sunghoon said but whispered the last half he was saying.

"Yah!" Jake hit Sunghoon left shoulder causing the older to act like he was in pain.

"Oh Sunghoon, I'm sorry." Jake was now worried that he might've hit the younger bad since he might also been in pain when he laid on his shoulder.

"I'm just kidding." Sunghoon giggled and Jake glaring at his boyfriend.

Before Jake could even argue again, their food already arrived. Jungwon immediately ate his food.

"I don't feel like eating." Geonu said, but since everyone was eating he couldn't help but take a bite from his plate. He was even the last one to eat the remainings of everyone's food. (i miss geonu🥺)

They all went back inside the bus and everyone was so full from eating that they somehow felt tired causing them to sleep.

this school camp will be fun. or so they say...

I can't wait for them to be at the camp!!! I also can't wait to show you what scene I adapted from a drama. I hoped you like this!! And anyone here miss Geonu???🥺🤍

Anyways; Vote⭐️, Comment💬, and Share🥰


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