28 | Body Heat

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Third Person POV

"Take off your clothes." Sunghoon told Jake.

"Huh?" Jake was surprised with what the younger said which caused him to think that he misheard what Sunghoon said.

"It's the only way we won't freeze to death." Sunghoon explained.

"I need you to take off your clothes or just even your shirt." Sunghoon added.

Jake then took out the thin blanket and Sunghoon's jacket off. Sunghoon was the first to take his shirt off then Jake slowly did. Once both individual's shirt was gone, Sunghoon embraced Jake and placed the thin blanket around them and the jacket on top. They felt warmer.

"Are you warm?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yeah, you smell good." Jake replied and giggled softly.

"Sleep now, Jakey. We'll come back once the sun rises." Sunghoon said while playing with Jake's hair.

They were supposed to be sleeping, but Sunghoon sneakily stole a peck from the older. Jake slapped Sunghoon's chest because of the younger's actions but he regretted it cause he was stunned by the older's muscles.

"Surprised?" Sunghoon said and smirked. Jake was too shy and hid himself under the blanket and placed his face on the younger's chest.

"Good night, Jakey." Sunghoon said and closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

"Good night, Hoon." Jake said and hugged the older tighter leaving no space apart from the two.

"Where were you two?!" Jay asked.

The couple headed towards their cabin once the sun was up. Sunghoon woke up early and woke the elder hurrying not to get in trouble by the chaperones. However, they were surprised that once they arrived at their cabin; all their friends were there.

"Maria told me that Jake was waiting for me on the skating rink. So, I went up but I didn't see him." Sunghoon started.

"Then a guy came up to me and said that "I thought you were at the skating rink" and then he explained how Sunghoon was there. I ran all the way their but I sort off fainted because of the cold. Then Sunghoon found me and we stayed at a near cabin there. Unfortunately, the cabin had no power. So Sunghoon built a fire and got a thin blanket." Jake ended.

"Hold up. You guys stayed inside a cabin with no power and just a thin blanket. How did you manage to stay alive?" Geonu wondered.

Jake and Sunghoon faces both turned pinkish by their friend's analysis. The whole group saw their reaction and laughed once they connected the dots.

"So you guys used heat from your bodies huh?" Jay said and smirked.

"Shut up! That's not it." Jake said and walked fastly to his room.

"So Sunghoon, is there anything else you two did or had to fight the cold? Or is it just really a blanket and a fire." Jay asked Sunghoon.

"It was just the fire and the blanket." Sunghoon said and left the room.

"How much you wanna bet that they're lying?" Jungwon asked.

"None, I already know they are." Sunoo said.

"So unfortunately because of the hard snow, our scavenger hunt was cancelled. Since tommorow morning will be the last day for our camp. The chaperones and teachers agreed to have this day as a freeday. Your curfew will be at around 8:00 pm since the snow will hit at around that time. If you have any problems, ask me." A teacher announced.

"So, our whole camp is freetime?" Jungwon said.

"It sucks but it kind of doesn't since I'm not forced to do anything or to be partnered up with someone I don't like." Jay explained.

"I knew it!" Jake shouted and headed towards Sophia's table.

"Jake." Sunghoon said trying to understand what the older is doing, but once he saw where he was heading; he quickly followed the elder.

"Sophia." Jake said. Sophia looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, Jake?" Sophia said her tone sounding as nice as possible, but just mimicked the voice of a devil.

"Why did you tell Sunghoon that I asked him to go to the ice rink?" Jake asked harshly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sophia said trying to look scared.

"Don't lie to me." Jake said angrily.

"I'm not." Sophia replied with tears falling from her eyes.

"Listen. I will give you two options. Stay away from me and Sunghoon or I will tell the principal what you done and your parents." Jake said and left, but saw Sunghoon in front of him.

"Let's get some fresh air, okay?" Sunghoon said and placed his arms around Jake's waist and headed outside near the lake. They sat down in the dock floor and placed their feet in the air.

"Jake, why does it feel like everyone is trying to break us apart?" Sunghoon said and stared down at the lake.

"Sunghoon, please don't say that." Jake said and faced Sunghoon to his direction.

"It feels true though. Your mom hates me and Sophia just won't stop." Sunghoon said and started to get teary eyed.

"Look, I want you to know that no matter how many people or obstacles tries to seperate us, I will still be here for you as your boyfriend and partner. I won't repeat the same mistake and I would never ever let you go again." Jake said and took out the younger's tears.

"I'm sorry." Sunghoon said.

"Sunghoon, you have no reason to apologize." Jake said and cupped his cheek.

"I'm just so worried when I have no reason to be." Sunghoon said.

"I love you and that's enough reason for you not be worried." Jake said.

"Prove it then. Say to the world that you love me." Sunghoon said challenging the older if he could scream his name loudly.

"I love you, Park Sunghoon." Jake whispered only enough for the younger to hear.

"Why did you say it so low?" Sunghoon asked.

"Cause you're my world."

And that's it. This book is about to end soon. Just a few chapters left, but I do have something in mind (try and guess😉). Anyways hope you enjoyed this!!! I'm pretty sure there's a few grammatical error since I didn't re-read this and edited it soo yeah—

You know the drill!!!

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