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The night is here and Yoongi has no other choice but to open the club without Namjoon. He has no idea where he's at. Failed calls from him, Jungkook, and Jimin throughout the day. They are worry with the fact that Namjoon has not answered any of their calls, further more, the phone was turned off eventually.

Yoongi decides to wait a bit more, hoping for Namjoon to come back. If not, hell,  report him missing. That is all he can do at the moment. He tries to focus on his task, which is attending the customers at the bar. Jungkook is at his usual spot, he tries to shake of the idea of Namjoon being hurt, he doesn't want to believe such thing. As for Jimin, he's at the office. Is he looking for something? Anything that can lead to Namjoon. Jimin recalls what Yoongi said earlier. "Taehyung can be behind this." Yet to Jimin's bad luck, the office doesn't contain anything useful. Just when he's about to walk out, the office phone rings.

"Hello?" Jimin picks up and answers the call. He hears some rumbling from the other side, but soon a female voice speaks up.

"Hello, is this where Namjoon works? Um, Jung's club?" Jimin blinks a few times and gives a small 'yes'. "Is Namjoon there?" She asks.

"No, actually,  he's been gone all day." Jimin sincerely responds. Just when he was going to ask who she is, she speaks again.

"I'm Namjoon's friend. I picked him up earlier this day. He actually asked me for a favor, ah, I'm worried. After I left, I tried calling him, I even messaged him." Jimin eyebrows furrow as he listens to her.

"What favor exactly?" Jimin asks, hoping that will be the answer to where Namjoon can be now.

At first she hesatates to answer Jimin's question, but she does. "Namjoon wanted to know where Jung In Hee lives. I got him that information and took him, but I was not able to stay or go in with him; at the end, I left." Jimin can hear guilt  as she speaks.

Jimin gulps. "Please, I'm going to tell you my phone number so you can send me the address where you last saw Namjoon hyung." Jimin then gives her his number. She immediately sends the address to Jimin's phone as she's still on the call. She confirms that she send the address to the given phone number. "Thank you. Please, lets stay in touch. If you have any updates about Namjoon, let me know." The call ends and Jimin runs out of the office and heads to the fitting room, where his phone is at. He quickly grabs his phone and doesn't think twice, he goes to Yoongi.

"H-hyung!" Jimin unlocks his phone and goes to messages. "N-namjoon is at-" Just then, Yoongi eyes drift to familiar faces. Jimin follows Yoongi's eyes and drops his arm to his side. Just when Jimin was about to walk away, Yoongi pushs him aside just slightly to walk past him.

"Kim Namjoon!" Yoongi walks up to the younger, ignoring the other two. If you were to see Yoongi right now, you might think he's about to murder someone on the spot, but, it's not that, yes he's angry, yet relieved to see the person he's been worried for all day long.

Despite being short and thin, he pulls Namjoon away from Taehyung and Taeyong only to hug him tightly. Jimin sees the scene from where he stands and lets out a sigh of relief. He almost wants to cry, not just because of how worried he was for Namjoon, but because Yoongi hyung isn't the type to hug someone with such force. "Unless you're someone he cares for." Jimin murmurs and smiles.

"Yoongi hyung." Namjoon whispers. "I'm fine, trust me, don't do anything. Just follow my lead and this hell won't last too long." Namjoon wants Yoongi to not attempt anything against Taehyung, Namjoon doesn't want his friends to get hurt by Taehyung. He'll be the shield from now on.

"What do you mean." Yoongi lets go of Namjoon and looks at him. Namjoon smiles and gives a small nod. He then mouths 'trust me hyung.' Yoongi looks at Taehyung, who's standing a few on Namjoon's left, a few feets away. Namjoon turns around and also looks at Taehyung. They make brief eye contact.

Namjoon turns to look at Yoongi. "Hyung,  please go back to work. You can't leave the bar unattended." After Namjoon says that, Taehyung grabs Namjoon's hand and pulls him along. Yoongi turns around, about to stop them, but Taeyong puts his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Just do what Namjoon told you to do. It's for the best. Or else, Namjoon will be the one getting hurt." Taeyong speaks calmly. He then proceeds to follow Taehyung and Namjoon. Yoongi is still, he's possessing everything that happened just now.

Jimin walks up to Yoongi. "Hyung, what happened?" Yoongi looks at Jimin and shakes his head.

"Namjoon said that we must work hard. He will be fine as long as we do what we're supposed to. Go get ready and don't worry." Yoongi, finally understanding what Namjoon is asking from him, says and pats Jimin's shoulder. He walks back to the bar. Jimin can't help feel upset, he could see this is also going to be hard on Yoongi.


Well, I seriously can't keep a promise. UnU
Sorry for the very very late update.

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