The Beginning

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There it was in front of me a letter from a school called Hogwarts, a school for witches and wizards but there had to be some mistake. I looked over to my mother, my birthday decorations behind her still up from my 11th birthday only a day ago. "Mum? What is this " I asked as she shook her head and went into the kitchen, I followed behind her and she grabbed the picture of my father and I from when I was a baby.

She touched the picture where my dad was and handed me the photo and smiled at me "Your father was a wizard and.. He didn't die in a car crash like i said he did, he died fighting an evil wizard helping his friends to stop him.. And he did that wizard was stopped because you father sacrificed himself "

I looked down at the picture my father was showing me off,  holding a giant grin on his face as he looked down at me. I smiled at the picture , i look u at my mum and hugged her tightly

A few weeks after I found out I was a witch my mum had brought me to a place called diagon alley, it's where you go to get your supplies for Hogwarts. I had gotten my books  and most of my supplies except for my.. Wand.. it's still pretty weird to think i have magic.

My mum asked where we could get a wand to a women with orange hair and she wore a dress that had different patches of cloth and fabric.
"Oh at Ollivanders of course! Me and my boys were just about to head there "

she smiled and reached behind her, then two boys popped out  who seemed to be identical twins with orange hair like their mom and were taller than me, they wore the same outfit, they had on maroon shirts with a green and yellow striped united vest.

"I'm fred" the one on the right said "and i'm george" the one on the left said they smiled and both held out their hands to shake mine.

The one who said they were Fred his hair was slanting to the right while george's hair was slightly parted down the middle
I smiled and crossed my arms reaching out to shake their hands at the same time. I laughed as they shaked my hands very firmly.

"I'm Ryan" I smiled at them and they smiled back "Isnt Ryan a boy's name?" i think fred asked, i laughed " Yea i was named after my dad, it's his middle name" i smiled and they both nodded at the same time

They let go and stood beside their mum and I went on the side of mine. After my mum and the twins mum whose name i learned was molly, had talked for an amount of time that seemed never ending, Molly showed us to Olivanders.

My mom told me to go inside and she's been waiting for me, I walked in behind fred and george.

As i was walking in i could see my reflection in the window i noticed how much i looked like my dad , i had his dark brown eyes and his round face,his long wavy brown hair.

I walked into the store and looked around seeing hundreds upon hundreds of boxes filled with wands, I looked in front of Fred and George and saw an old man with white hair that went to his shoulders, he wore a suit that was messed up and tattered .

The twins went up at the same time and the man just looked at them and smiled

"Ah you must be the weasley twins ? Am i correct?"
They nodded at the same time again while laughing and elbowing each other.

The man smiled and looked them both then went in the back for a few seconds then returning with two boxes, he opened one box and handed it to one of the twins i couldn't tell.

The wand looked like a pine cone at the bottom of it.
As i heard more of the man i tuned out as i looked around some books and boxes floating right above my head, putting themselves away.

As i went back to reality i noticed that the twins both had their wands and looked back at me. I stepped up to the desk and the man looked at me then went in the back and hand 2 boxes he put them in front of me and opened them.

One wand had what looked like amethysts on the end and was smooth all around and the other wand was what looked like braids and twists on the end.

The man looked at me
"Which one calls to you more" he asked me with a intrigued look, I looked down at the wands and felt like they were both calling to me each a unique call , but the one with amethysts call was louder, I picked it up and the man smiled.
" i thought the same "

He closed the other box and put it away and i walked to the twins and they awed at my wand
"I've never see a wand with rocks on it before "
I think George said.

I smiled and looked at them
I giggled and walked out with my wand , admiring how pretty the stones looked on the wand.

Once I saw my mom I ran up to her and showed her my wand.
She smiled and hugged  me

I looked over at the twins and saw one of them staring at me, I laughed and looked towards my mum and molly as they started talking.

A week after our trip to diagon alley it was time to go to Hogwarts
My mum, Molly,Fred, George and a younger boy named ron and i.
Molly lead us in between platforms 9 and 10

By then i had gotten to know more about the family and the twins. I could tell that fred's face had more freckles than george his face was also round whereas georges face had more of a rectangle shape

I had my trunks, my owl and most importantly my wand!

"Alright dear"
Molly walked up to me putting her arm around my shoulder giving me a light squeeze of comforte.
"All your gonna wanna do it run right through the wall and pull end up on platforms 9 and 3 quarters"

I smiled and looked up then looked at the wall between the platforms..
"Wait what? Run between the waaa"
The next thing i new one of the twins was pushing me with my things while i rode on his trunks going through the wall
It suddenly got 2 times louder , i looked around and saw a red and black train with on the front of it had the number 5972

The entire platform was overflowing with people,, i looked behind me seeing fred and george laughing
George mocked me while holding up his hands.

I joined in on the laugher and noticed my mum, Molly and ron had walked though
" come on come on you're gonna miss the train" Molly said pushing her boys where my mum put her arm around me as we walked behind the Weasleys 

I watched as Molly said goodbye to Fred and George.
The twins messed up ron's hair till it stuck up and got on the train. I noticed that they had a car and i look through the window and they made weird faces at me as I giggled.

My mum pulls me aside before i get on and hugs me tightly and smiles before pushing some of my wavy hair behind my ear.
I smile and run on the train wit my things finding the car with the twin after looking in a few i saw their bright orange hair.

Before i entered the car i noticed another boy who had darker skin and dark hair, i walked in and smiled at them as fred shot up and started putting my things away.

I gave him a confused look, then the same look to george
"I  told him id give him half my galleons if when the next person came in hed put all their things away "

As fred finished putting my things away i giggled and thanked him before sitting next too the other boy
"Hey im Lee"
He turned to me and held out his hand , i shook it and smiled
"Im Ryan"

I looked out the window seeing molly and my mum talking then looking to the train, i waved at them and saw them wave back

I sat back against the bench looking at the twins thinking...
I think i've just met my best friends for the rest of my life..
I smiled to myself as the train started leaving the station.

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