Baby Trouble Part One

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Yugi walked around the house, he was 26 weeks(appox.7months) pregnant. His small usually flat stomach stretched to allow the growing baby inside him room and comfort. "Yami" he called and the taller man ran to the kitchen, only to slip and fall in the living room. Yugi giggled and the baby started moving; "You woke up Yaritza. Now she'll never go back to sleep." He groaned.

"Sorry Aibou," he called and stood up. He walked to the kitchen and kissed Yugi. "What do you need?" He asked softly.

"Well....I wanted to know if we could go to the park and just walk around." Yugi spoke shyly; he didn't like being so needed. He already felt like Yami didn't want him, but being pregnant made him think he was even more of a bother. "We don't have to if you don't want to..."

"I'll go to the ends of the earth with you. As long as your happy, let's get showered, then dressed and we'll leave out." Yami held Yugi and walked the pregnant boy to the shower where he joined him.

After their shower they dressed, Yugi wore a grey sweater and black leggings with grey furry boots. Yami pulled on a long sleeve white shirt and black leather vest, he pulled on black leather pants and his black boots. He gently put on Yugi's choker and millennium puzzle along with his own.

"Your jacket M'lady." Yami teased and Yugi put on the light jacket. Rolling his lavender eyes he walked down the steps to the game shop.

"Yugi you've gotten big as a house!" Jii-chan laughed and Yugi scoffed his grandfather.

"It's hard being pregnant, but if I get to bring a new life into this world....then it's all worth it. Especially since..." He faded out and Jii-chan nodded knowingly.

"I know it's hard Yugi, but it'll be alright this time. It won't happen again. I promise." Yami spoke and walked him out the front door. They walked hand in hand, a cool autumn breeze caressing them.

"Yami, you're not just staying with me because of the baby right?" The little one asked with tears slipping down his face in silence. He didn't want the little traitors to fall and show weakness but they did.

"I'm here because I want to raise the baby. I'm staying because I love you with my soul, no one else can replace or compare to how deeply in love with you I am. I'll only have you, it'll only be you." Yami spoke and got on his knees, leaning his head against Yugi's stomach, "This baby, our beautiful baby girl....she makes me love life even more. Just knowing he love of my life is carrying my child, makes me feel that much more vulnerable inside." He kissed the boys stomach. "Don't think I'm only stay for the baby....I'm staying for my family."

Tears steadily streamed down Yugi's face as he cried. His lavender eyes closed with happiness, he wrapped his arms around Yami's shoulders once the tall pale Japanese/Egyptian man stood. "Yami...I-i love you so much!" He cried and people watched, a little while after they smiled to each other and Yami gave the pregnant teens now reddened nose a soft loving kiss.

The started walking again; A little girl having a mix dark brown and blonde hair, bright violet eyes and lightly tanned skin ran over and hugged Yami, "Uncle Yami! Uncle Yugi!" The young girl yelled. "Can I feel the baby! Please!" She asked excitedly. Her purple and blue outfit was coloured like Dark Magician Girl, a big bow holding back her hair.

"Honey!" The stern but soft voice of her Egyptian mother called. The little brunette/blonde girl ran over and hugged her mother. "Momma, Mommy, uncle Yugi and Yami are here!" She pulled the woman over. She was wearing a white sundress and sandals that tied up to her knees. Following as a taller blonde woman who was wearing a blue shirt, brown jacket and black pants. With of course black leather heeled boots.

"Hey Isis, Mai. And hello my little Honey, have you been good for momma and mommy?" Yugi and after kneeling with Yami's help. The little one nodded, "you wanna feel the baby?" Honey's eyes lit up and she nodded quickly; Yami help Yugi to a nearby bench and the smaller lifted his shirt.

"Be careful sweetie. Don't pop uncle Yugi." Mai teased and Yugi glared. Honey carefully placed her hands on the males stomach. She puts a bit more pressure and felt a small kick.

"I felt it! I felt it!" Honey cheered happily. "I felt the baby! She kicked!" Honey smiled and kept her hands there as the baby moved and squirmed inside Yugi. "She's gonna be a princess right Uncle Yami?" She asked and moved her hands.

"Mhm, she's gonna be a Japanese princess." Yami smiled gently and kissed Yugi.

"I hope this happiness will last forever." Yugi whispered after the sweet kiss ended.

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