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Don't play with me;

„Mooorning, beautiful", I heard when I wake up. Feeling that I slept on his chest and every heartbeat of him. As I opened my eyes, I looked up and saw a big smile on his face, "Good Mornin'", I say with a morning voice and give him a small kiss. I sat up. „Do you know how cute you look when you sleep?" „Oh no don't say that. I look terrible", I answer with a laugh.

„No no no! Don't start the argument. You lo-" I turned around. „NO you should not start that argument. You know I ALWAYS win" I interrupted him. „I swear to god, if you don't shut the fuck up  and not say that you are beautiful.. I- I.. I will Make You that you wish you never Said that", he responded angrily. „Oh I don't think-" I couldn't even finish speaking because he grabbed my hand, pulled me to him and turned me so that my back was on the bed. He still hasn't a t-shirt on and only his boxers and I had a large t-shirt from him with only my panties on.

When he kissed me roughly, he pressed me against the mattress and his hand slowly went under my panties, before he was so close, he suddenly pulled his hand out. I am shocked. He gets up and gets dressed while I just watched him go. „Ah, so now you're doing this. Make me horny and then just leave?", I say with an annoyed tone. Without even seeing his face I knew that he was smiling. I added „I can do that too. You'll see, darling", quietly. „What did you just say?" he asked and I pretended like I never said anything.

I slowly started to get dressed. This time I put on a very big t-shirt from him with black skinny jeans.
George and i went to have breakfast. We sat down and saw everyone staring at us. „Is anything wrong?", „Oh no nothing.", Hermione answered for all, who stared at George and me.

Later in DADA class, george sat next to me, however everywhere. He put his hand on my thigh, actually I liked it .. but then I remembered earlier."Oh I thought you just want to tease me all the time today. Bad luck for you now.. unfortunately I don't feel like it.", I said quietly as I pushed his hand away. He just glared at me and turned back to the front. We were lucky Professor Snape didn't catch us talking in his class.

The hours passed faster and faster and he tried again and again. I mean, he was trying to make body contact all along and I just ignored him or went further away. You could see his desire in the beautiful warm, brown eyes. But that happens when you play with me. At dinner, we were one of the first, that sat on the Gryffindor table. I looked around and, to my delight, spotted draco at the back of the Slytherin table. In panic when he looked up and caught me looking at him, I turned back. That's why I wanted to go to the bathroom, I got up and before I could even straighten my knees, my boyfriend next to me pulled me close with my wrist and whispered something in my ear. „I know how he's looking at you, darling. You're mine. When he's touching you again, I will break his bloody nose. Understand?", Why the hell was he so hot, while he said that really serious. „Okay calm down, Princess", I answered annoyed, but also kind of pleased. Yeah I shouldn't be that bitchy to him but I had to. With one swift movement, I tugged my joint through his hand.

Once again I turned over my shoulder, in the direction of Draco. A great pang went through my body as he looked at me, contorted with anger, as if I had done something very bad in front of him that he didn't seem to like. „Your eyes are directed forward, dear" George said and turned my head to him with his warm hand.


It's very short (and bad -.-). Sorry! but I will have more time this Weekend so be curious :)

I wanna be yours - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now