━ m a t t h e w ♡

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matthew grew up within the very lively place of new york. right from the start of his childhood he began to cause nothing but trouble within his home and school. he would constantly fight with his siblings which often led to his father beating him. this would later traumatize the boy, leading him to become violent himself as he grew older. the moment he became an adult, he was quick to remove himself from his abusive household and live on his own. not having much money meant he would suffer within a crappy little apartment right in the worst part of the city. it wasn't until one night after his job at the bar ended, that he ended up beating a man to death after an argument outside. it was an accident, something matthew refuses to ever speak about. to this day nobody has found out who killed the man and hopefully it stays that way.

━ single, bisexual
━ dominant
━ no children

EXTRA INFO━ single, bisexual━ dominant  ━ no children

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