chapter nine

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Far on the other side of Manhattan there was a flash of blue light. And five figures appeared. Professor Paradox, Nebula, Tristin, Ben, and Kara. "Manhattan why are we in Manhattan Professor?" Nebula asked. "Because some one very important is here and needs warning." Paradox said. "And let me guess you want tell us what." Ben said. "Precisely. Now I am afraid I must take my leave. See you all soon." Paradox said as he disappeared in flash of blue light. "Ok we should split up. Ben and Tristin will take the ground and Kara and I will take the Skies." Nebula said. "Any questions?"

     Now on the hellacarrier Seth was now meeting the team he would be working with. "This will be your team Omni-Spider." Fury said. We have White Tiger. ( think black panther but white), Nova, who wore a blue suit with three gold circles on his chest he also wore a gold helmet giving him the nickname captain bucket head. Iron Fist he wore a green ninja like suit with a black dragon on the front and a yellow mask. Ghost-Spider, Spider-Man, and Power man. "Hey there. Hope we get along." Seth said. "Nice to meet you Omni-Spider. I'm Nova." He said. "Nice to meet you to." Seth said. "We also have Iron Fist over there and thats White Tiger." Nova said. "Now that introductions are over I would like to see what Omni-Spider here can do." Fury said.  They went to the training room. It was pretty bare but massive. "Nova you can fight Omni-Spider first." Fury said. Nova was doing stretches while Seth was looking for the best transformation to use. "You ready?" Nova asked as he rose in the air. "You bet so." Seth said as he slaped the faceplate of the Infinitrix. There was a flash of green light. Now what stood where Seth was a Crystal like alien.

"Chromastone" Seth shouted

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"Chromastone" Seth shouted.

Alien info

Name: Chromastone

A Crystalsapien from Diamondhead's homeworld Petropia. He can absorb energy an let is pass through him and fire it back as ultraviolet beams. And is nearly indestructible as well as fly. (This next part I think should a ability) And by letting light pass through him makes him transparent

"Ok did not expect that." Nova said as he fired a blue energy beam. Only for it to be absorbed. "Didn't see that coming did you Nova." Seth said as he fired a multicolored laser from his hand. Almost hitting Nova. Since energy blasts won't work he went in for a punch. It hit but it also broke his hand. "OW! What is this guy made of?!" Nova said. "Not sure." Seth said. Then it was White Tiger's turn.  There was another flash of green light now instead of Chromastone there was a wolf like alien.

  There was another flash of green light now instead of Chromastone there was a wolf like alien

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"Blitzwolfer!" Seth shouted.

Alien info

Name: Blitzwolfer

A Loboan from the moon Luna Lobo in the Anur System this form was given to Seth after a bite from the Yenaldooshi and has a strong bite force, enhanced senses, physical attributes, and a sonic howl. (This happened on a training mission)

"So you don't have just the Rock thing." White Tiger said. She ran towards Seth. And he ran in all fours to get a swipe in they kept trying for a while it was going know where. Then White Tiger charged again. This time Seth let out a loud green sonic howl that stopped White Tiger in her tracks covering her ears. She didn't notice that Seth charged until it was to late. He pined her what came next was here biggest mistake she will ever make. She kick Seth where his pride and glory, the mans crown jule some would say was located. This made everyone watching flinch. There was a ear splitting howl of rage and pain. It was so loud that half of New York heard it.

     On the half that didn't hear the howl. Nebula, Tristin, Ben, and Kara was where having their lunch at a pizzeria. A chill entered the building. Nebula and Tristin went pale in 3.4 seconds a new world record. "Is something up you guys don't look well?" Kara asked. "Yeah we are but there aren't." Tristin said will the look of fear and remorse on the same face. "We must take a moment of silence for the poor soul." Nebula said.

     White Tiger shoved Seth off of her. There was a flash of green light. Instead of Blitzwolfer was a nine foot tall humanoid tiger like alien.

"RRAAAATTHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Seth shouted

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"RRAAAATTHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Seth shouted.


                               Alien info

Name: Rath

Rath is a Appolexian from Appolexia. Rath is known to lift objects heavier than himself and toss it around with minimal to no effort. However, like all Appolexians he is also known for his arrogance and aggressiveness, both verbally and mentally. He believes all problems can be solved by hitting it (or sometimes, hitting it a lot). He also apparently lacks the strong sense of shame most Appoplexians have, as he technically runs around nude due to a glitch in the DNA.

"You can hurt my feelings, my beliefs, and me. But LE'ME TELL YA' SOME THIN' WHITE TIGER SUPER HERO AND SHEILD WORKER YOU NEVER I REPEAT YOU NEVER KICK RATH IN THE NUTS!!!!!!" Seth shouted at the top of his lungs. Even in the stands there was a look of fear in there faces even Fury's which was surprising. Seth then shouted unorthodox wrestling moves "MAJOR UPPERCUT!" Seth shouted as he uppercut White Tiger into the air as he then jumped up into the air. "POLARIS PILEDRIVER!" Seth shouted and as he grabbed White Tiger, turned her upside-down, dropping into a sitting position, and driving her head-first into the ground. Next, Seth picked White Tiger up by the neck and sucker punched in the face sending her into the air. "COSMIC CLOTHESLINE!" Seth screamed and jumped to grab White Tiger by the head. "FLYING OPHIUCUS SUPLEX!" Seth yelled in the air, slamming White Tiger onto her back hard on the ground. White Tiger shakingly stood up on her feet as her was feeling dizzy from those wrestling moves giving Seth enough time to finish her. "FROM THE TOP ROPE! SIRIUS BUTT KICKING!" Seth roared drop kicking White Tiger into the wall. "Is 'Sirius' like the star or like something important?" Asked a weak and tired White Tiger who was seeing Stars swirling around her. Seth then took a few seconds to respond. "LIKE THE STAR!" Rath answered ready to continue fighting. "I'm just checking." White Tiger said before she passed out.

(Full chapter is 1111 words long XD)

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