chapter twelve

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Sorry this took so long to write. I had a issue on how I would word this.

After Yang knocked Seth out. She dragged him back to the house. A few hours later. Lloyd, Ruby, and Yang where in the living room. Seth came out of the kitchen with and ice pack. "So now that I beat the living hell out of you. WHAT is it you need?" Yang said. Seth was silent as he sat down across from Yang. He placed the ice pack over his eye. "Remember when I told you about the Aura Sapphire?" Seth asked. "Yeah...what about it." Yang said. "Well some psycho is after it to complete the dimension Crystal set and do who knows what." Seth said. "So why do we need them. I mean sure Yang beet the living hell out of you. Still I don't see it." Lloyd said. "Their some of my closest friends Lloyd and for what might come with their abilities they should be worth while." Seth said, so what do you say?" There was a lower clatter from the shed out side. "What was that?" Ruby said. There was a flash of green light. And where Seth was now stood a Beowolf


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Name: Shadow wolf
Species: Grimm
Subspecies: Beowolf
Homeworld: Remnant

One of the many Creatures of Grimm. A Beowolf is one of the most common among the Grimm. Possessing great speed, durability, and strenght. They also have razor sharp claws. And heightened hearing and sense of smell.

"Shadow wolf!" Seth said as loud as he dared in a deep scary voice. Yang activated the Amber Celica. "If you think you going alone then your wrong." Yang said. "Fine just don't get in the way if something happens." Seth said. They made their way through the house with Seth leading. They where the door to the shed. "Would you like to do the honour or should I?" Seth said. "You do it." Yang said. Seth ripped the door and gave a earsplitting roar. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" A voice said, "DON'T KIIIiiIILLLlllLLL MMeEEEEeee!!" Seth looked at Yang with a puzzled look. "Who ever you are please come out!" She said. "Th-th-th-there's a g-g-g-Grimm right next to you." He whispered enough for Yang to here. Seth reached behind some boxes and pulled a teenage boy covering his face except one eye with with his hands by his legs. "Please p-p-p-put me down." He said. Seth looked at Yang. She pointed her finger at the ground. Seth sighed. He threw him up in the air grabbed him with both hands and placed him on his feet and patting him on the head. The boy ran a few feet before his legs gave out. "Wonder what he was doing in your shed." Seth said. "He might have been looking for something." Yang said. They went back inside.

Yang and Ruby agreed to assist in any way they can. They returned to the ship and set off to find Nidavellir. Luckily for Seth he knew where it would appear. "So you never told us where Nidavellir is at." Izuku said. "Yeah that's true. Where is it Seth?" Katara said. "Well The Location changes every week in a specific dimension. Because time works differently in every dimension. Sometimes one can go several decades with out it appearing. However, I put a timer and tracker in there so I know where it is. And how much time I have there. Good thing it just changed." Seth said. Seth set the course. It would take a few hours. So he thought he would talk to Yang but decided against it. He slumped in one of the pilot seats Yang poked her head through the hatch. She could tell something was wrong. "Is every thing ok Seth. You look down in the dumps?" Yang said. He look her direction. "Oh.. Yang... it's nothing." Seth said. He looked back out the windshield at the passing colors. She came and sat in the chair next to him. "Pretty isn't it." Yang said. "Yeah it is." Seth said. There was a pause. "Well this is awkward." Yang said. "Yep."Seth said as they started laughing. "Also where did you get these chairs? This is the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in." Yang asked. "I got them from Khoros. The Tetramand home planet. For being a warrior type race they know the definition of comfort." Seth said. He sighed and looked out the window again. "Look, your like a brother to me. I can tell something is wrong. Just spill already." Yang said. "I'm scared about how this will end." Seth said. "We both know that's not the only thing that bugging you." Yang said. " I'm not sure I want to tell you this." Seth said. "You can trust me Seth. Here let me show you something." Yang said. She rolled up her Jacket sleeve and took of one of her gloves, which showed her metal arm. "What! When did that happen?" Seth exclaimed. "A few years ago. When Beacon fell I was fighting a guy named Adam. I got careless and I suffered for it." Yang said. She pulled her sleeve down and put her glove on. "Now what is it you want wanted to tell me?" She said. "It's accualy easier to show then tell." He said.

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