Best Hunter In My Life Time

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Ok- I'm so excited about this! (Mostly because Kiri is the best manly dragon ever! :D) If you have any suggestions on my next story, tell me! I'd love to hear your opinions, requests, and questions.

Also, if you like villain Deku, then read my other story! Cya weirdos later, enjoy. :)

(Y/N)'s Pov-

My mother always told me I could be anything I want to be. She was such a bright spirit when she was still alive. My father was such a bright person as well, I've always thought of him as a hero, not to just me, but everyone. My father was a dragon hunter, but ever since my mother died to one he has been at home deep in sorrow. My mother's death happened 15 years ago, my dad eventually got over my mother and married a horrible woman, as well as had a child with her.

Now that I'm 18, I get to finally be what I've always wanted to be, a dragon hunter! I've always wanted to be one to avenge my mother from the dragon that killed her. Of course, my stepmother didn't like that I wanted to be something that only "boys" should choose to be. To her, females should be the damsel in distress, the weak ones. When it comes to me wanting to be a hunter, my stepmother fights my dad to get her way, even my half-sister backs up my stepmother.

Either way, I'm being what I wanted to be, no matter if my step-mom doesn't approve! She can't stop me from being what I want to be, I'll show her I'm not weak. I will be the best hunter in my lifetime!

(A/n)- It will be longer in the next update.

word count- 305

Mʏ Tʀᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ~ (dragon kirishima x dragon hunter reader)Where stories live. Discover now