the mukami's (chapter 6)*EDITED*

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third p.o.v

everyone was in the limo shu and (Y/N) were sitting together. Shu lent an earbud to (Y/N).she listened to the music he had on. but of course someone had to interrupt. reiji said that they were finally there.they were finally at the school. they all went separate ways except shu and (Y/N). they went to the music room. shu asked if (Y/N) can sing him a song. At first she didn't want to, but he kept pushing till she agreed.she sang something (beatles)cover by Avonlea and sina.

( i do not own this song of course but still love it)

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around, now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

(instrumental part)

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

(Y/N) P.O.V

shu kept asking and asking for me to sing. I honestly don't want to because my gut keeps telling something's up.but i want him to be happy and if me singing makes him happy then so be it.i sang an entire song and then i heard someone whistle behind me. i turn around and there are 4 boys standing in the music room had purplish blue had green hair with bandages all over. another had blonde hair and blueish pink eyes. and the last one had orange /brown hair.they introduced themselves as the mukami brothers. shu on the other hand seemed pissed of and angry.'why is he so mad?' I asked myself.

Shu comes up and wraps his hand round my waist and says that I'm his and they need to leave me alone. and if they lay a finger on me he'll rip them from limb to limb.'harsh very harsh' what is up with him?as soon as i turned back to them they were gone.

"what was all that?"

"look i don't want you to talk to those guys they are very dangerous, stay away from them okay?"


i wonder what makes them so dangerous. the bell rings and i walk to class i say bye to shu. As i am walking to class i see the same 4 boys again.they pull to the side and talked to me.

"hi neko-chan, i'm kou-kun"

"hi kou-kun i'm (Y/N), please just call me (N/N)."

"kou we should get to class." the purple hair boy said

Then all of a sudden I feel someone behind me and I glance over to see who it is. it was shu.oh shoot now i'm in for it.he told me to stay away from them and over course i didn't listen but it not like i had a choice they yanked me over and blocked me away from goin anywhere.

"I said stay away from her." he scowled them and grabbed my arm then we left.


on our way home , shu said nothing to me. we walked in the house then shu grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room.he slammed the door shut." I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK TO THEM.THEY ARE DANGEROUS.he yelled at me and then pushed me against the wall and sank his fangs to my skin.i felt nothing but pain no pleasure no hurt like hell.why was he doing this to me why is he mad i did nothing wrong. I was so close to passing out but before I could hear something."you will listen to me. i did not want to do this,you left me with no choice"he pulls away i fell to the floor and everything went black.

i woke up i went to the bathroom to see the damage.and to my luck i didn't heal yet. It was so was bruised all over and was blue and purple and red too.

then my stomach was growling and i was really hungry

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then my stomach was growling and i was really i went to the door. i tried to open it but it was locked.i was banging on the door asking someone to open the door. I then felt someone breathing on the back turn around and there are the same boys from before. how did they get in?I was in my thoughts one of them grabbed a hold of me and pulled me to the window. and then everything went black after that.


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