(y/n) (l/n) is a sacrifical bride. she is a girl who loves music. her whole life it was nothing but muusic and how it soothed her soul.one day her mother kicked her out of her home and forced her to live with a family. the family had 6 brothers and...
Once everyone walked in the school, (y/N) went straight to the music room. she knew that Shu was going to be there somehow. She really wanted to see him again. She really loved this boy so much, she wanted to confess so bad. she really wanted to show him she loves him.so while she was at the mukami's she made not only a playlist for him, but she also decided to sing for him. she made a plan to make it look like she was there before and he was coincidentally there.
she walked into the room thank god he wasn't there yet. She set everything up.it was a white classic plain room. It had a white grand piano and some couches like it always had.but this time she decided to bring chocolates and a note for him.
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(play the song. pretty please??🥺)
She got up from the couch from where she placed the gifts and got up to the middle of the room and started to sing.she sang like she never sang before.she wanted to prove to shu she was loyal to him. she wanted to confess to him without saying the actual words. she was super nervous.she was shaking and super scared. what if he didn't return the feelings?what if he doesn't like it or what if he rejects her? what will she do then?
she felt someone there in the doorway. she didn't turn around because she already knew who it was. Shu however loved her with all his cold heart's content. He never felt this way for anyone. He had a plan to tell her how he felt after she was done. what he didn't realize was she felt the same way.he was going to ask her something that he was scared of.
when (Y/N) was done she heard shu clap. she turned around and before thinking she ran into his arms she cried into his chest."Shu i love you please take me back. I don't like it with the mukami. Yes, one of them is nice but the others scare me. i miss you so much i love you please never let me go ever again."he was surprised by what she had just said but nonetheless he was happy.he finally felt complete. shu said"I didn't know you felt that way but in the end i'm glad cause i feel the same way."
he pushed her away gently and looked into her eyes. He finally felt happy and now was the time to ask her. shu now told her"i know we never really got to know each other but i feel like we were meant for one another."he pulls out a box and gets down on one knee.''I know we weren't dating first but i feel like we don't need to do that when we know we are going to just marry sooner or later. So will you (Y/N) (L/N) make me the happiest vampire ever and be my fangtastic wife?" at this point (Y/N) had tears streaming down her face. She was so happy and filled with joy.she nodded her head aggressively. He then put the ring on her finger and pulled her close and kissed her lips with the most passionate kiss yet.
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it was a 14k rose gold entangled vines engagement ring. it fit so well on her finger. but what they didn't know was someone was eavesdropping.
Time skip
when school was over (Y/N) went back to the house.she packed up her things and was about to walk out the door til someone stopped her. She turns around and sees yuma. She asked him what was wrong and he didn't answer. Instead he dragged her to the dungeon down in the basement. He pushed up against the wall. and forced his fangs into her neck and sucked so much blood that her vision was going blurry. she asked yuma to stop, but he didn't.
she was so scared. She wished shu was there to help her. she yelled out for shu hoping he could hear her. well the gods were on her side tonight cause the next thing she knew was before she passed out she saw shu fighting yuma.
time skip cause i suck at fight scenes
(Y/N) wakes up in a room on a bed. She looks around and sees that she is back in her old room at the sakamaki's. then the memories of last night hit her like a truck.'why did he do that?' she thought to herself.she was about to get up till she felt something wrap around her waist. She looks to her left and sees shu. She was just staring and admiring her now known fiance'.she was so lost in thought she didn't notice that Shu woke up. He was chuckling and it caused her out of her thoughts.
he sat up and started to talk." are you okay? i had to patch up the bite and give you some of my blood cause you lost so much." "O-oh,ok thank you and yes i-i'm okay." "good,i'll let you go take a shower.then we will talk if you want?" " okay and again thanks." "anything for you my star.''Then at that moment he kissed her on the forehead. then left the room.she got up then walked to the shower and turned it on and got in. A few minutes later she gets dressed and puts on a pair of pj's. and went to her bed and noticed shu there on the bed.
He turns his head and sees her in a nightgown and gestures to her to lay down on the bed with him. she does and he pulls the covers over her. she lays her head on his chest and asks"why did yuma do what he did?" Shu then replies with"I dunno, he was probably just jealous cause i am the one who marries the most amazing young woman in the world and not him." "S-Shu stop it i'm not that amazing." " yeah you are and don't worry i will protect you for all of eternity." she blushes and then yawns. she closes her eyes and as she falls asleep she hears shu say "I love you (Y/N)."
and with that she drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face. never has she been this happy. she will always cherish this moment.
hey everyone ik it has been a while since i last updated but i thought i should give my Diaweebs a thanks giving gift and don't worry this is not the last chapter there is at least on more which is the wedding. but thanks for reading this and as always comment on any grammar mistakes. and i love you guys thanks good bye.
p.s i also wanted to pay tribute to the twilight saga cause there is a possibilty that there will be another book coming out from the series all about their daughter and Jacob and there relationship together. so please don't hate me if you don't like twilight and again thanks.