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Bakugo's POV

I tried to move around, but then I feel a weight on my chest. I open my eyes and see Deku softly sleeping, is fever seems to have completely disappeared. I looked over to the clock, it's 3 pm, meaning that the class should be almost over.

"I hate having to leave you with that shitty Delta. I wish I could keep you by my side, but unfortunately, that's not what the school wants. Fuck them all... I hate them for taking you away from me like this..." I wisper.

Suddenly I feel my chest vibrate again and some soft purrs comes out of his mouth. I can't help but smile as he slowly rubs his head against me and then wakes up. His beautiful green eyes stares right through me, I smile at him.

"Good afternoon Deku, do you feel better?" I asked concerned.

A good 10 seconds passes before he realizes where he is and who was in front of him.

"KACCHAN!" He screams all happy.

He jumps at my neck and starts to purr as he rub against my glands, scenting me. I crack a smile before picking him up from under his arms to lift him in the air on top of me.

"Kacchan?" He looks down at me confused.

"I'm glad your okay Deku... You fucking terrified us, even the delta was worried..." I said with a bit of anger.

He suddenly grabs his chest and then curled into ball, making me regret my words before putting him back on my chest and petting his back.

"I- I'm s-sorry Kacchan..." he says tears starting to swell in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to be angry at you, I was just worried..." I say as I lay a kiss on his forehead.

He lifts his head up all happy at me, making me smirk at him. He looks at the clock before his beautiful smile disappears again.

"I missed training... Fuck!" He says looking down.

"Dear god Deku....Watch your fucking language!" I say jokingly, making him laugh.

We stay together like this until it hits 4 pm, we then hear some footsteps in the background, letting us know that people are back. The door opens as Icyhot comes in, he looks pretty exhausted. He looks up at us, growls and then lays on the bed next to us.

"Well someone had a shitty day..." I say as I look at the growling alpha.

I looked down at Deku who was shaking, I tried to pet him wondering why he was scared.

"Hey Deku... Are you okay? Why are you shaking!?" I say kinda worried.

Upon hearing my words Icyhot stopped growling and looks up at Deku laying on me. As soon as the growling stopped, Deku stopped shaking. He calmed down and then rubbed his face against my chest.

"I'm sorry Midoriya... Was I the one scaring you?" He says with worry in his monotone voice.

Deku nods softly and then smiles at Icyhot, he then reaches his hand and pets Icyhot's head. Making the hot cold basterd smile.

"I've just been scared of alpha's today... Kacchan doesn't scare me.... When he doesn't growl at least..." he says looking down and playing with his fingers.

Both me and Icyhot looked at each other. This current fear of Alpha's is probably because of his nightmares he he had last night, I mean who would blame him? I wanted to talk about it with Deku, to try and find a solution to his fears, but once I look down, he was already asleep on my chest. I let a low growl of annoyance, but continued petting his back to keep him asleep. As long as he can be safe and happy, then I don't really care.

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