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Bakugo's POV

I'm holding Deku in my arms... Begging the lords that he's still alive. He's not moving... then the worst happens... I see blood on my hands I look around for a wound and I see the blood coming from his head. I look behind his head, he seems to have bumped on the ground when we fell... I relax, it'll probably just cause a small concussion. I look around his neck and there's no cut no nothing... I press my hand against his neck, checking for a pulse. Time feels like it stopped as I feel the beating pulse on my fingers... My entire being relaxed and I pass out next to him.

I open my eyes... My arms are burning, I look to my left and see another bed where Deku is sleeping peacefully. I relax and look at recovery girl in the corner, she's slightly smiling.

"What are you smiling for you Granny!?" I wisper yell.

"He literally just whined your name... And by pure luck... That's when you woke up. I thought it was cute." She says still smiling.

"I fucked up... Again... I always fuck up granny... I always hurt him..." I say looking at Deku.

"That's not true... You gived him a child... Even if it didn't work out. You give him love... You even let him mark you... And I also heard you let him make love with you, witch is very surprising because of how much of a proud alpha you are. You told this to mister Todoroki before. We all make mistake, we just need to get back up and fix it." She says before leaving us alone.

I sit up, she's right about that... I need to fix it, I love this fucking nerd way too much. I get up and walk to his bed, I hear him whimper.

"Kac...chan... I'm s-sorry... don't... leave me..." he says still asleep.

I lean closer and hug him softly.

"I'm sorry too, please forgive me, I panicked and wanted to keep the gentle you, but I guess it's part of who you are now and I love you still... I never stopped loving you... So please don't hate me like this... I can't take it..." I wisper as tears fall down my face.

I feel a soft hand wiping my tear away, I pull back to see Deku crying but awake now.

"I d-don't h-hate you K-Kacchan... I never did... And n-never will... Please d-dont p-push me away again... I can't bare it... I n-need my a-alpha..." he says shivering and stuttering.

"And I need my omega... I'll never hurt you like that again I promise... I just thought too much and fucked up from fear... So will you agree to live along my side with me?" I said holding my tears.

He nodded and hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe. We seperate and decide to go back to the rooms. I entered my room but noticed that Deku had also entered.

"Deku what's wrong?" I asked... Oblivious.

"I d-don't wanna see Shinsou right now..." he says looking at the floor and scratching the back of his neck.

I was about to confort him when he winced. I look at him confused as he ran to the bathroom.


"Deku we haven't dont anything in a little while so no I didn't..." I say confused.

"Kacchan come here and tell me what the fuck is on my neck then!" He says as I walk to him.

"Let me see your neck..." I say as I look at his neck.

There was indeed a hickey, but the purple was so dark it looked like it was done very roughly, my hickeys are either dark red or slightly purple since I'm gentle... I knew it wasn't Icyhot either because he would be gentle as well... I knew exactly who did this, and I wanted to kill him, but I simply sighed and decided to lie.

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