2: Rouge the Bat

505 21 11

August 15
Everyone knows about the pup sleeping in my room. I sat next to him. I had called everyone, nobody owns this baby. Doesn't that mean technically make him mine now? What ever! I'll keep him anyways! GUN pays enough for the both of us. "Now that I'm keeping you, you need a name." I said to him as he giggled, he must've woken up while I was lost in thought.

Soon, giggling turned to crying as-what I assume- he became hungry. I sighed. Since I couldn't leave him alone I tapped the phone contacts and hit Knuckles' number. I started to call him.


"Hey Knuckie~ can you do me a small favor?"

"Like what?"

"I need you to pick up baby milk and food. I'll explain later"


"Great! Thanks!"

"No problem, Babe"

I smiled as I ended the call. I sadly turned back to the crying pup in my arms. "Shhh~ Papa is picking something up for you to help Mommy. Okay?" Mommy and Papa? Where did that come from?

"Oh right! A name!" I looked at him curiously. Hmmm....Blue? No to obvious. Emerald because of his eyes? No. Sapphire? He's not a girl Rouge! After those thoughts I heard a knock on the door. "That was quick" I got up with the pup in my arms and opened the door to let Knuckles in.

His eyes darted from the pup to me.
"Okay now let me explain" I said before things would take a turn for the worst.
"When I moved into this house, I went to find the bedroom. Only to find thus little guy on my bed. Knuckles looked at the pup again.

"Can I-"

"Hold him? Yep?" I handed him the pup.

"Does this mean I'm a father?"

"Only if you want to be sweetie"



"What's his name?"

"I need to think of one"

"How about Sonic Chaos?"

"First name Sonic, and middle name Chaos?"


I thought about for a while. Then I nodded. "Sonic Chaos, it is"

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