CHAPTER 14: Prepare for what may come

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/ Inside the palace. The Prince of Luxamina stands amid a dozen knights. The queen speaks

Beatrice: And If he isn't the prince then who is he? Or what is he?
Aria: Maybe a very powerful witch? Or something new? We're not sure.
Vlad Cogred: One thing is sure no one would ever survivor that sea monster.

/ Vlad Cogred turns to look at Prince Haruna

Vlad: Even the prince of Luxamina
Chris: But I can feel him. It's him
Vlad: Believe me, You didn't saw what I saw. It's was impossible to escape from that thing.

/ Aria touches you by arm and whispers

Aria: Maybe he is making you believe that.

/ When you fix Prince Haruna you see that he is looking at the butler. The butler looks nervous

Haruna: I know a way to prove that.

/ He starts walking towards the throne chair and the knights follow him by keeping pointing the weapons at him. When he gets closer to the queen. Vlad who stands in front of the queen puts a sword on his throat.

Vlad: You're close enough to the queen. One more step and you lose your head.
Haruna: Relax, it's not even the queen I was approaching.

/ He points at Galvert

Haruna: It's the Spolanian who interest me

/ Everyone turns to look at Galvert who is sweating. And the princess speaks

Princess: Yes, that's it. The Spolanias have their manner to know every civils from their empires.

/ Before even the princess finishes her sentence, Galvert already bows.

Galvert: Welcome to Skiburg, Heir throne of Luxamina.

/ Vlad Cogred puts away his sword from Prince Haruna's throat awkwardly

Vlad Cogred: Oh, that's awkward. I'm sorry your Highness.

/ and Vlad Cogred bows too. And everyone around does the same except the queen and the princess.

Haruna: That one is done.

/ He walks over you and extends his hands like he's asking you something then it hit you that it's time to give him the bracelet. You put one out slowly.

Haruna: Where is the other one?
Aria: Wait, there is another one?
Chris: Yes, I'm sorry about that. You remembered what you said before I leave.
Haruna: I said "Don't get distracted"
Chris: Well...
Haruna: No. Don't tell me that...
Chris: It's terrible I know. I'm sorry.
Haruna: And this one. Where was it?
Chris: Ah, that one was easy to get it. It was in Victoria's bedroom.

/ Prince Haruna raises an eyebrow.

Haruna: Do I need to know how you got it?
Aria: No. You definitely don't.

/ Aria interrupts before you answer. Prince Haruna turns around and then stops.

Haruna: Tell me. How was she?
Chris: How do you I was distracted by a woman?
Haruna: Concentrate, Chris. Focus.
Chris: She was very attractive
Haruna: Yeah, yeah but I need more details. How she smells? And what was the color of her eyes?
Chris: I don't remember, she smells nice and her eyes were brown. Yeah, I remember she smells like honey.

/ Prince Haruna looks worried.

Haruna: One last question, Chris. How was her voice?
Aria: Wow, they're weird your method of Inspection?
Haruna: Believe me, they're not.
Chris: Oh, just imagining her voice makes me tremble. She was seductive and terrifying at the same time. She whispers like...
Haruna:  A snake. It's like she is swallowing you

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