CHAPTER 39: Final Battle 2; Let's fight

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/ Vlad has come to Oxion leading 2000 knights of Luxamina.

Veronica: Wow, what an entrance, Wolvanis.
Vlad: Veronica. I will kill you.
Valerian: Save it, first you have an army to fight before reaching to us. Well, if you stay alive, of course.
Vlad: Are you ready?
Knights: YYYAAA!!!
Vlad: Let's fight!

/ They head toward the Giants with a fighting scream. The Giants splits into two groups. One group heads of 7 Giants heads your way and another group of 8 Giants head at Vlad's way.
Before you move to attack, you hear a voice.

Haruna: Don't bother to attack the giants because they will keep coming. They are nothing. Attack their owners. If the owners are neutralized then it's over.

/ You turn to find Valerian behind you.

Valerian: I'm impressed that you are still alive.
Chris: Why are you doing this?

/ Valerian touches Chris's hand. He fades in her fog mind.


/ Valerian is straggling unconsciously Prince Haruna off the sea. She starts making first aid.

Valerian: wake up, please. Don't leave me. Haruna, please. I still need you right. Wake up... please... Come back to me, please.

/ She sobs on his chest. He coughs.

Haruna: Valerian...
Valerian: Yes, dear. Ooh, I thought that I lost you.
Haruna: No. I'm here forever for you.

/ She hugs him.

Haruna: But that thing... How am I still alive?
Valerian: It doesn't matter. And that thing won't be a threat anymore.
Haruna: What do you mean?
Valerian: Just forget. Tell me how you feel?
Haruna: Fine just a little pain on my chest.
Valerian: Don't worry. It will cure with time.
Haruna: Where are we?
Valerian: No idea.

/ At that moment, they raise their eyes to look around. They are on an empty island. They walk around and scream but there is no one. Valerian beams.

Valerian: Finally!
Haruna: What?
Valerian: I mean finally we are away from everyone and all threats. It's me and you against the world. I liked it here, I feel at peace. We are finally free!

/ Prince Haruna takes her by her shoulder and forces her to look at him.

Haruna: You can't be serious. We are alone! ALONE! There is no food, maybe it freeze at night, we have no roof or any protection of something attacks us. How are we gonna survive?
Valerian: Are you not happy that we are alone.
Haruna: That is not what I mean. What I mean is our way to survive is 0%.
Valerian: If your worries are about something to eat, we just passed a tree of mango, bananas, and coconut. And there were big animals skin next to the sea. If we feel cold, we can cover ourselves with it. We can build a roof of ourselves and if something attacks us, did you forget that I'm a witch and you are the blood son of Luxamina. Half of the beasts is afraid of you. Before I say that we are free. I thought about our way to survive, and it was 78%. That's why I'm excited to be alone with you here but my mistake was not to ask if you are happy too. Are you?

/ Prince Haruna looks at her for a moment.

Haruna: Of course, I am.

/ She beams and starts to make fire. When it dark they cook and eat. They were happy. After a month and more...

Haruna: Are we gonna stay here forever?
Valerian: If I'm with you, yes. I can stay here forever.
Haruna: But we can't.
Valerian: Why? We have everything we need.
Haruna: We can't stay alone. We need people to talk to.
Valerian: We have each other.
Haruna: You don't understand. We will became nuts all alone. Have you thought if someone die how the other one going to go back to town.
Valerian: Are you looking excuses to go back?
Haruna: No. What I mean is if people comes to us. Then we can make our own community and we won't need to go back.
Valerian: I have a feeling that people will come.
Haruna: How do you know that?
Valerian: I'm witch, remember?

/ Just at that moment the vision fades away.


Valerian: Now, you know why I'm doing this?
Chris: So all of this is because of that. Valerian, people are killing each other badly and some people doesn't even know why they are fighting.
Valerian: I know. I guess love is a bastard that no one understand.
Chris: Why I'm in the middle of this.
Valerian: Because you are the hero who save the prince by killing the witch.
Chris: I'm not going to kill you. I don't even want to kill you. I never kill someone and it's not today that I will start. Please, let stop this fight right now.
Valerian: You don't understand. It has already been written. You will kill me, Chris. So to make that sure. I keep the only person who make you strong away from you.
Chris: Oh no. Rose.
Valerian: Yes. I'm sorry, Chris. It's nothing personal.
Chris: Can I see it? just show me how he left? I need to understand the whole story.

/ Valerian crack her teeth then sighs...

Valerian: As you wish

/ He puts his fingers on her forehead. He sinks into her memories.

* In Valerian mind *

Valerian: Is that a boat?
Haruna: I guess so. Prepare yourself to fight.
Valerian: What? To fight?
Haruna: Of course, we don't know who they are.
Valerian: Ok.

/ The people on the boat raise an white flag which means we came in peace. Prince Haruna respect that so he welcomes them. They get down.

Haruna: Welcome. Who are you?
Character 1: I'm Philly Galarius from Craxbort.
Character 2: I'm Rud Halory from Wolvanis.
Character 3: I'm Grudy from Lambart. And I know who you are. You are the son heir of Luxamina but who are you, my lady?
Valerian: I am...
Haruna: She is Valerian, my wife.

/ Prince Haruna cuts Valerian sentences to answer in her place but her face is delighted when Prince Haruna present her as his wife.

Grudy: Oh, I get it. You run home to marry in discreet

/ You hear a voice in your head.

Valerian: I promise you that I will make this painfully slow.

/ You open your eyes to see Valerian's quickest sword heading towards you and you can't dodge it. You close your eyes but nothing. Nothing happens. You open them to see Valerian is sitting in her chair laughing at you. Everyone stops fighting and watches 3 giant monsters coming in while talking but this three, are different.

Valerian: I hope you didn't think that you will die easily. Met Blaine, Kurt, and Mike. Three monsters from the future.

Mike: Yoo. What's up?
Kurt: Hope you don't mind us interfering, pals?
Blaine: Ya say that if we kill that boy over there. We will be free, right?
Valerian: A deal is a deal.
Aria: They talk like you, Chris? Are they from your world?
Chris: Crazy enough but yeah.
Kurt: Did you hear that Blaine? That boy is from home.
Blaine: Aww, I miss home.
Mike: That's why we gonna have to finish him if we want to go. Let kill him quickly and leave this fucking junk place

Things seems not to go according their plans. People seems to change sides too. Will the witches be able to fight all of them? Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 40: Final Battle; Courage

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