
61 12 77

long time no see's been ah like 2 months?

these tags are overdue but imma do em anyways  
cant believe i'm saying this but PLEASE TAG ME MORE

these tags are overdue but imma do em anyways  cant believe i'm saying this but PLEASE TAG ME MORE

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1. idk about 5'4

2. yes ofc 

3. cant remember

4. no

5. no

6. no what do you think i am?

7. 15, 14, 10, 9 ;-;

8. no 

9. probably but teeny ones 

10. yeah on both my ears

11. not really

12. staygoldbxtches and Yung_nevy irl 

13.  single pringle bebe ;)

14. if you judge people and think you know it all then ew 

15. sign me up if u got that killer smile and subtle physical contact takes me to heaven

 16. idk man

17. YOUR SMILE SAYS EVRYTHING and if you respect girls 👌✨

18. anna banana where tf did u go?come back smartie and idk if y'all heard from addictaedass her name is jae she left a long time ago. my jaebae ilysm🥺

19. i'm actually nice and organised but people think otherwise

20. im lazy and i procrastinate a lot

21. i love how i'm able to come up with random definitions during exams which is why i dont study. rn im supposed to be studying but im doing this by 1am on a weekday :D

22. Paediatrician 

23. it's like a good morning and thats it kinda relationship, yk? 

24. cant describe

25. too lazy to think

26. dont get me started omfg 
a.  if you interrupt me when im speaking i will stab you with a fork
b. cover your goddamn mouth when sneezing bruh i dont want corona
c. you know when youre gonna do something but youre not done with the first thing and someone yells at you for it? thats fucked up. im a human dude im not a computer like cHilE.
d. when teachers say i taught you this 2 years ago. motherfucker why dont you just stuff the book in my brain then? since you want me to remember everything i learnt.

27. he's tall, black, he's cute obvi, he's funny, he's athletic, he's social and easy going

28. he's got rabbit teeth like literally. he has bad breath, he stinks, he has bad posture, he's stupid

29. so um i feel like a bad friend rn but like my friend had a crush on this guy thats like her ex boyfriend and he already liked someone else at the time and talked shit about my friend. we all lied to her abut him saying good things about her cause she'd get sad and suicidal so yeah.

30. restrictions

31. thank you <3

32. be like her

33.  uhh friends

34. pretty eyes and personality


36. anywhere

37. idk mate

38. Accounting or sum shit gtfo

39. C👏H👏O👏C👏O👏L👏A👏T👏E

40. nobody v-v

41. in your arms bebe ;]

42. cookies :D

43. I-is that a question? bitch have you met kpop?

okay lemme introduce you to jeon jungCOCK 

oh and Lim Jaebum (papi could step on me and i would say thank you😤)

namjoon stans certainly need Namjesus i mean, have you met this man?

did i forget Jeong Jaehyun?

Lisa would make you question your sexuality sis👀

THE queen of em all....MIN YOONJIII


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well this was a rough one ;-;


update (18 sept 21) this guy i had a crush on omg pls i wanted to literally die after reading this. this dude aint even cute bro what was i thinking and he's kinda rude and keeps calling me names so i lashed out on him... i just told him he's a really bad friend and doesn't deserve to be called a friend bc he made me lose my sense of self and individuality and this dude kept coming @ me with dumb excuses and said it was like a test or sum'n and i don't have respect for him like ☠ this nigga is literally 17 and he behaves like an 8 year old oml i regret a lot of my life choices atp.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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