The evil hoe-ard

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ever since we had defeated the horde scorpias been slowly rebuilding her  kingdom. And it was looking nice, large banners of scorpias ancestors hung on the walls and the ball room was vast and warm, all the princesses including myself where waiting at the steps to great scorpia at her first ball. I was hand in hand with catra still failing to get her hair tamed glimmer and bow where behind me laughing at a joke I didn't hear, in front of me was mermista she was trying to make sea hawk stop talking for more than three seconds I smiled everything felt right like it was meant to be.

     it had been a little while since I had seen scorpia. me bow glimmer and catra had left soon after we defeated the horde and only came back for monthly princess councils which scorpia often didn't attend so I was surprised to see that she had grown her hair out and it was now in a regal bun on top of her head it looked beautiful and made her look like the queen she was always meant to be.

Catra said something to me, I didn't hear bow made a joke, I didn't listen. All sound was drowned out by a loud ringing like two shovels banging up against each other over and over ringing until there was nothing else!


I was holding hands with Adora until I wasn't, she was trying to fix my hair until she wasn't. I was telling her to stop trying with my hair, but she didn't hear. When she first clapped her hands over her ears and yelled STOP I thought she was mad at me but then she kept on going they entire room stared it didn't look like she had noticed. She just kept yelling STOP STOP STOP and clutching her hands over her ears.

I tried moving her into a different room she didn't budge I pushed and pulled but Adora didn't move and inch. I pushed her hands of her ears she didn't resist, I forced her mouth shut she didn't open it again she was finally quiet...but quiet doesn't mean normal she was still just standing there not saying a thing eyes wide open unblinking terrified and not seeing anything.


      I was in this fright zone but that couldn't be right it was destroyed four years ago??? And I was just in a ball room with shovels loudly clanking together the timeline just didn't match up nothing made sense? the hoard banner also made no sense it was a picture of the hoe a farming tool? Why would I be in the fright zone with the wrong banners?!? The clanking sound returned and I collapsed on to the ball room floor everyone was surrounding me and whispering and yelling frantically not knowing what to do.

     When I finally had the strength to move scorpia was carrying me to the guest room. She almost dropped me out of joy when I muttered
     "Where's catra"
"Ohh I'm really glad your not dead" scorpia excitedly shouted
"I need to speak to catra now" I tried to yell but it ended up sounding like a sad mutter
"Catra is in the guest room already she ran ahead to prepare it for you" scorpia said gently
"What about glimmer bow and all the other princesses where are they?" I said franticly
"Also in the guest room, should I call a meeting" scorpia said, gently putting me down seeing that I could once more control all my limbs
"Yes, that would be right." I exclaimed seeing that we had finally reached the guest room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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