>Flame200's First Undertale Fanart<

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yoshimanakaritsu POV

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yoshimanakaritsu POV

So everyone, it's me, Flame200, and yes, I changed my account, but that's not important.

The important thing is that I managed to get my dog to spit out my old drawing, my first Undertake Fanart if you guys still remember chapters ago! XD

Pinky: hey... That's not your first drawing!

Flame: It is. *smug face*

Grapes: No its not! I saw your mom throw it out back then, you cheater! You drew that oh so recently. 🔥

Flame: I did not!

MaKha: You're caught red-handed, we sa you drawing that I while ago.

Flame:... It's still my fanart tho! First fanart in the computer you britches!

DJ: Language please.

Flame: AGGGHHHH! Why does no one believes me? *sob*

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