Chapter 1 - U.A. Exam

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Thomas POV
          I was running as fast as I could on the sidewalk cause I was about to be late for the exam. I wish I could use my quirk. So if your wondering what is so important about this exam? Well first thing is this is the first school I have been to since that day and second this school is not just any school. This school is U.A. the best school around the world and my grandma had to pull a lot of strings to get me here.
          I pulled to a stop as I gazed upon the big gate entrance to the prestigious school. As I stared at the gates my anxiety told me to run back home because I was gonna fail badly. But my body didn't respond to my fight or flight reflex and just kept walking straight ahead.
          Apparently we had to meet up in a auditorium to talk about what kind of exam it would be. I found the door that led to the auditorium and walked in. So many people. I didn't like being stared at and luckily everyone was just talking amongst themselves to even notice me. But I still felt like someone was staring. Maybe it's just my imagination. I found a seat that was all the way to the back. As the lights started to get dimmer like a theater, Their movies here are bad by the way, I heard a loud voice say, "Hey, y'all! My hero name is Present Mic! And I came to show you all how this is going to work," His voice really hurt my ears but that's only because I didn't expect him to be so loud. "So were gonna send you outside where there is a real life sized city! Where you will have to take down robots! But each robot is worth some points..." I started to daydream and before I knew it he had finished speaking was now leaving through some big doors.
          Shit! I knew I should have slept more. The other 'students' started following after him and I did the same trying to blend in. This is gonna suck. He took us in front of doors that were bigger than the entrance which I didn't think was possible. He started talking again, "Whoever is in the top 40 will get to attend the school! So you better try your hardest!" There was at least 300 'students' at this exam and I couldn't believe that there would only be 40 that were gonna pass. While I was thinking this the doors started opening. How can they move those doors!? Present Mic didn't let me finish my thoughts once he said, "And...GO!" I started sprinting while thinking. This is gonna be so tiring.

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