Chapter one

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Selena's P.O.V.

"I understand that you like him Selena but I don't think you should date him." Luke said to me "I'm 17 Luke you're not the boss of who I should or shouldn't date!" I said irritated "you're my sister Selena and I don't think Calum's good for you!" He shouted. "When are you gonna stop acting like I'm your kid!" I yelled as I ran upstairs. "Wait!" I ignored him and ran into my room and slammed my door shut and called Helayna, Calum's sister.

"Hey Helayna.." I said when she answers the phone "hey Sel what's wrong?" She asked "oh just Luke.." I stated "oh was it about Calum again??" Helayna asked "'s like he doesn't want me with him.." I trailed off getting a text, "hold on I got a text." I checked the text and it was from Calum.

From: Cal-Pal
Hey what's up Selena busy today?

I replied quickly saying.

To: Cal-Pal
No I'm not you?(:

From: Cal-Pal
I was wondering if you wanted to hang out soon in the park I have to tell you something.

To: Cal-Pal
Sure what time?

From: Cal-Pal

To: Cal-Pal
Okay see ya there.

I've liked Calum since year 1 at school but it seems like Luke doesn't want me with him. I met Helayna, Calum's sister as well and we just clicked. Maybe around year 4 is when she started liking Luke, Calum didn't care he approved of Luke so I don't understand why Luke doesn't approve Calum. I wish he would accept the fact that I like Calum..

Calum would never ask me out because of Luke so I wonder what he had to tell me.. I get back on the phone with Helayna and say "Guess who just asked me to hangout today?" I said with excitement. "Well it's not the easter bunny so I'll go with my second choice and say my brother." She responded.

"Very funny but yes your brother asked if I wanted to hangout around 2:30 at the park, he also said he had-" Helayna interrupted me by saying, "he's asking you out!" "Let me finish god damn it Helayna!" I said, groaning "okay okay." I continued talking where I left off, "well anyway he said he had to tell me something.. I don't know what but yeah." I finished as I checked the time, 1:50 I have time to change and go meet Calum at the park.

"I'll talk to you later Helayna I have to get ready." I said "okay- wait what about your brother though.. He might ask where your going?" She said "I'll find some way where he doesn't ask.. I'll text you a picture of what I chose to wear when I'm done okay?" I said "okay" she said as we hung up.

I wonder what Calum had to tell me...

I try to figure it out as I got dressed, I picked out my ripped blue skinny jeans, my nirvana shirt that Calum got me for my birthday, and my gray beanie that matched Calum's. I grabbed my black band and put them on.

I should probably write some note for Luke so he won't go all ape on me when I got back or start searching for me. I walked down stairs and grabbed a price of paper and a pen and wrote a little note for Luke that said.

"Dear Luke(:
I needed some air so I went to hang with Helayna. I'll be back around dinner. PROMISE.
Love Selena💙"

I placed the note on the remote knowing that would be the second place he would go after having a trip to the fridge. I walked in front of a mirror and took a picture and sent it to Helayna.

To: Hel's
*Picture* "good or nah?"

She replied saying

From: Hel's
Amazing as fuck bra!
Tell me details later!

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