Chapter two

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•Luke's P.O.V•

I understand that you like him Selena but I don't think you should date him." I said to my sister "I'm 17 Luke your not the boss of who I should or shouldn't date!" She said irritated "your my sister Selena and I don't think Calum's good for you!" I shouted " when are you gonna stop acting like I'm your kid!" She yelled as she ran up the stairs.. "Selena wait!" I said but she ignored me and ran into her room and slammed the door.

Why do I do this all the time? I don't want to see my sister hurt but I want her to be happy... If I keep doing this I'll end up lik-e-e our dad... If I don't stop acting like this I could hurt her somehow and then you never know she could commit and it'd be my fault...

I'll just text Michael and see if I can hang for a bit to get this off my mind..

To: Mikey
Hey man can I hang with you for a bit kinds just had a little fight with my sister about ya know so I need some air to get it off my mind

From: Mikey
Yea sure bro come right over. I have pizza and FIFA.

To: Mikey
you know me so well I'll be over in five.

I walked over to Michaels house which was only a couple minutes or so away. I knocked on the door and he answered, I walked inside and I went up to his game room while he went to get some snacks.

I thought back to all the memories I had with our mom before she died in front of my eyes.. My uncle killed her in front of me and my sister. I was old enough to understand he said to tell no one and so I didn't.

Her last words were "Protect her Luke" before she died right there, she couldn't even make it to the hospital.. I made a promise from then to protect Selena.. I just don't wanna turn into our dad he abused her when I was away Selena told me a couple years ago which hurt because I didn't stop it, I couldn't stop it.

She had bruises everywhere..

"Luke." "Luke!" Michael snapped his fingers in front of my face which sent me back into reality.

"Sorry Mikey.." I said as I grabbed a Mountain Dew from the pile of junk he lugged up here.

"It's okay Luke I know it's hard protecting Selena... Just don't put stress yourself out Luke.." He stated "Yeah.. I know.. I just don't want our dad hurting her anymore. She'd always come home and he'd kick her in the stomach, or slap her... Tell her she was worthless piece of shit and that he never wanted kids..." I said on the verge of crying.

"Luke it's okay.. Let it out.." Michael said as he was patting my back
"I just don't know how much I can handle Michael! It's so hard acting strong because that's what everyone thinks of me! Strong! Strong! Like I just can't be strong anymore Michael.. It's hurting me." I said as I started crying

"I'm sorry Luke..." Michael said
"It's fine.. Michael. It's fine." I said as I wiped my tears and opened the Mountain Dew.

"Let's start playing so I can get my mind off." I stated, he nodded his head as he set up the game and handed me a controller.
Maybe a hour and half later I got a text from Helayna, Cal's sister.. She told me that Selena was staying over for dinner, Michael told me to ask if I could come so I did she said I could. So I grabbed a extra Mountain Dew and a small bag of chips and left Michaels and headed to Calum's..

I got there I finished my pop and my food so I threw it in there trash and walked up to the door and knocked and Helayna answered and she let me inside. When I walked in I saw Selena on the couch and Calum was on the floor. Thank god.

I walked over and sat next's to Cal because I thought my sister was probably still mad at me so I didn't wanna make anything worse.. Helayna sat next's to Selena. Helayna pulled out her phone she was probably texting someone but I looked again when Selena's phone beeped. She pulled it out and texted back, why can't they talk in front of me? Are they hiding something..? I look at Calum and all he does is shrugs his shoulders.

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