Bad Idea

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I'm sorry about the last two chapters being short. I was thinking about just combining them but I want a good amount of chapters. Comment below what your thoughts are on the last two chapters or just spam the comments to help boost this story. And PLEASE remember to vote. It literally means so much when you do.

     I open my eyes in the morning remembering the events of last night. Harry and I didn't even talk. I want to punch my head through a wall. I get up and immediately know I'm going to have trouble walking today.
     I sit back down onto my bed and look over. Hazza didn't even stay.  That's great. He just wanted to have sex one more time. I mean I did too but I also want him and I to get back together and still adopt the girls together. I look beside me at my alarm. It reads 11:42 am. SHIT! I slept in.
     It felt like I was barely up. But I guess I barely got any sleep. I wonder if that's why Harry isn't here. I silently tell myself no. That's just a false hope.
     I throw on some underwear quickly along with some jeans. I know I have some shirts in the dryer so I go to wake the girls up. "We're late!" I yell running down the stairs. "Let's go!" I yell at them.
     When I get to the bottom of the staircase I see Harry sitting at the table. "Please don't be mad at me. I just wanted to talk. I know you didn't want me to stay and I know I shouldn't have taken advantage of you being vulnerable last night. But I dropped the girls off at school already so you can yell at me all you want. I just wanted one last morning to say goodbye to them and I came back to talk to you." Harry tells me.
     "Okay." I tell Harry walking over the table he's sitting at. I sit a bit across from him. "Thank you for dropping off the girls." I tell Harry slowly looking up at him.
     His eyes have bags under them. One's I've never seen quite so heavy. His eyes are bloodshot and his knuckles are bruised. "I guess we did get caught up a little bit." I say reffering to last night.
     "Yeah." Harry agrees with a slight laugh as he runs his fingers through his hair. I can tell how stressed he is right now. It's pretty obvious. I know this time he's trying not to let me see but I can tell he's too tired to keep it up.
     "I get it." I tell Harry tapping my fingers on the table. " I understand why you did it." I add. He squints his eyebrows questioning what I mean. Just before he's about to talk I stop him. "Let me finish." He nods when I say it knowing he's not the one debating on leaving right now. But he's wrong. I want to stay with him. I can tell he thinks I'm going to tell him to never come back and all that good stuff by the look on his face.
     "I understand why you started the bet. I understand how you got tied up in it. And I get that you didn't have a chance to tell me. And I understand how your job played into the reason for all of this," I continue. I don't know how to finish the subject. That I forgive him, that I love him. "so I forgive you. For what you did. In the future I'd like you to be more honest with me." I tell Harry trying to choose my phrasing right.
     He looks taken aback when I say it. "In the future?" He asks me with a light sigh. He has a grin on his face. I just realized that he didn't say he still wanted a future.
     "Before everything happened last night, which is my fault I wanted to ask you if you still want to be in the paperwork. I'm going to go look at houses today and get that sent in." I tell Harry. "So I was going to see if I should delete you out of it or I should go look at houses today with you." I say it to him slowly so he understands.
     I watch a grin appear on his face. "Yeah." Harry says it heartfully and I can hear the warmth in his voice. "I mean, if you still-" Harry cuts himself off not letting himself get embarrassed.
     "Of course I still love you Hazza. I was lying when I said it was just so he doesn't get close to the girls. I'm selfish like that." I tell him with a shrug.
     "I love you too." He looks into my eyes when he says it. It sends a shiver down my spine and sets off a flurry of butterflies in my stomach.
     I wake up the next morning with Harry beside me. Him and I looked at a ton of houses yesterday and chose the perfect one. The rooms are huge for the girls and it already comes furnished. Harry and I decided to refurnish the den though and get a ton of bean bags and hammocks.
     It should be move in ready by this weekend. I'm planning on sending the girls overnight when we move all of their stuff over. I don't have legal custody but them living in my house will be an even bigger advantage. "Baby." I whisper to Harry tapping on his shoulder. "Baby wake up." It's brand new though and already finished so we could move in today if we wanted to.
     I hear Harry yawn and he shakes his head. "I'm up." He says it in a whispering tone.
     I get up out of the bed and go to Harry's side sitting down beside him. He turns his head over and his cheek is being smooshed by the bed. "I'm gonna go drop off the girls. The school doesn't want us going back yet because they don't have any viruses going around and apparently Harry told them we have an insanely bad flu. So now we have to stay home for the next two weeks in case it's strep throat. (Obviously they would have to be tested for this lenience but I figured it would be neccesary for the plotline.)
     Suddenly my phone glows up with a call from an unknown number. Harry raises an eyebrow. "That's weird." He says it with a yawn.
     I nod my head and press the phone up to my ear. "Is this a Mr Louis Tomlinson?" The voice on the other line asks me. 
     "This is him." I say to them so they can continue. I move to put it on speaker so Harry can listen along. I sit down on my bed next to him.
     "This is the CPS in (his county's name) we're calling because of the files we received from your email along with multiple accounts. We've had the police review them and we have come to the conclusion of granting you and a Mr Harry Styles custody for the next six months until your court date. We highly suggest using your funds that we sent to your bank account this morning at 2 am when you turned eighteen in a possible resort aside from the family home you are currently in." The lady tells me. Her voice seems pretty blank.
     "Oh my god." I whisper it slowly. "Thank you! Have an amazing day!" I say to her. She hangs the phone up abruptly.
     "You didn't tell me today was your birthday." Harry says confused. "You told me it was this weekend. I even asked Niall I got us reservations at your favorite restraunt.
     "Well yeah. I lie to Niall about my birthday. I used to spend it with my mom and Fizzy. And Niall would want to spend it with me so I just said it was a few days afterwards." I say with a shrug. "But thank you baby. We can celebrate there on Saturday.  I think we should go down to the girls rooms and get their stuff together before my dad gets home." I tell Harry in a hurry. He nods grabbing onto his keys.
     "We gotta go get some boxes!" Harry tells me excitedly. "And we could be like lesbians and rent a uhaul." (This is coming from a uhaul bisexual.)
     Harry and I are at the house unpacking all of the boxes. He ended up just hiring movers and all of the girls are having sleepovers tonight. Just as I put Doris's last barbie into a basket Harry turns to me with a smile. "We did it." He tells me with a gentle laugh.
     "Yeah. And we're all done unpacking and we have the house to ourselves tonight." I say to Harry with a shrug. I pull my shirt off of me slowly. "What do you say we go christen our room?" I ask him biting my lip. I back up into the hallway and he follows me transfixed. I miscalculate where I'm going and bang into the wall. "Damn. This house is way too big. It might take a while just to find our room." I tell Harry with a laugh he nods grabbing onto my waist pulling me along with him.
     It's officialy Friday. The girls ended up staying at their friends while Harry and I got the finishing touches done. "You're going the wrong way Harry." Lottie tells him as she looks up from her phone. "You're going way the wrong way. This is the opposite way of our house." She continues. Harry slowly pulls into the house without saying anything. "This isn't our house?" Lottie tells me.
     "No. Harry and I have legal custody of all of you until our court date so that's the next six months and from what I hear most definitely after that. This is the home Harry and I bought." I tell Lottie. Her eyes suddenly widen looking at it.
     "Can we go in?" She asks me getting out of the car and running her eyes along all of its five stories.
     "Yep. We already have you all moved in. Everything you need is in there and all the other stuff that we didn't know about is in the basement just in case." I say spinning the keys around my finger a couple of times.
     "I love you guys!" Lottie tells Harry and I with a wide grin.
     "We love you Lots." Harry and I say perfectly in sync like a radio. We grin at each other when we realize. And when I look around this time it's my family. It's Lottie and my sisters but as long as I've known them I've treated them like my daughters. So I guess they are.
     "Daddy!" Doris says running into Harry and I. The twins go along saying Dad for me and Daddy for Harry running to either one of us. Lottie sticks by my side holding onto my hand. I squeeze her hand three times then let go to unlock the door.
     As soon as I swing it open Harry peers his head in. "We're home." I say with a sigh sticking my feet onto the hardwood floor.

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