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Louis POV
  Today is the day we present the project in how looks can be deceiving. I didn't let Harry read my essay and I didn't read his. It's going to be a surprise and I think what I wrote is going to open a lot of people's eyes. "Harry Styles you're first" the teacher said. Harry looked nervous as he walked to the front of the classroom. I smiled at him and saw him relax. "Looking at me some people see a scary looking man, and I can be scary. I used to be a very scary person with many demons, I never saw the good in things. I cared about pride more then anything and I'm happy I was like that because I got my boyfriend. We had our rough patches because of my pride but it all worked out. Anyways I may look scary but on the inside I'm a big fat teddy bear just ask my boyfriend, I love cuddles and being the little spoon." Harry continued and I was just smiling at him like an idiot. Once Harry finished a couple more people went and I was last. "Louis it's your turn now" the teacher and I walked to the front of the classroom. Am I nervous yes, am I about to make a bunch of people feel like shit yes. "Looks can be deceiving, I mean everyone here has had the wrong image of me and I have been waiting for this day for all of you to know. You want to know how my family got all that money? It wasn't because we sued a shop it was because my mom and sister died in a car crash that I was also in. My dad got money from their deaths. Some of you might be thinking well at least he had money but you're wrong, very wrong. My mom was pregnant with my sister Doris when we were in the car, we were trying to get away from my dad because he did nothing but beat on us. He is why we crashed, my mom was swerving because he was trying to run us off the road and we got another car. I'm not even done yet. Everyday I would go home and get beat so my sisters don't get beat, I would get beat to the pulp so he wouldn't touch them. I would then come to school and get beat to the pulp. I wanted to end everything so many times but I thought about my sisters. My dad would tell me I'm worthless and fat, I would come to school and get called worthless and fat. I started to believe it, I never ate and the only way to stop heating the voices was to cut. I hated life I hated everyone except my sisters and my best friend. Then Harry came along and for those of you who don't know our relationship started on a bet between him and Liam but a week into the bet my life was starting to improve. I was happy, I stopped thinking I was worthless and fat because of Harry. When I found out the truth was I hurt? Yes. Did we move past it and our stringer now? Yes. My life has been getting better and better everyday but it's not because of any of you. Only because of Harry, Niall, Zayn, and my sisters. None of you guys cared to get to know me or anything. You just saw that my dad had money. You saw a boy with a rich family. That's not who I am." I finish and I have tears in my eyes. I lock eyes with Harry and I see he does as well. He walks up to me while never breaking eye contact. "I love you so much" is all I can say. "I love you more Lou and you really out everyone here in their place." Harry said then gave me a big hug. "Now let's go home and get ready to fucking graduate" I say with a smile. And that's what we do, we both shower and Harry combs his hair back and I brush mine to the side. We throw on our gowns and look at each other. "Lookin fine Styles" I say with a smile. "I can say the same about you Tomlinson" Harry replies with a smile. I peck his lips then turn around and put on my vans. We put our caps on and Lottie insist on taking pictures. Harry and I make funny faces at the camera at first but then we lock eyes and I get lost in his sea green eyes and I'm pretty sure he got lost in mine, Lottie took a picture of us like that and one of us kissing. We then take individual pictures and lastly ones with my sisters. "Ready?" Harry says with a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be" I say and we head out the door. Harry isn't going to go to college because well you know and I'm going to a music school. "Louis Tomlinson" the principle says and I walk on stage and grab my deploma. "Harry Styles" she says and Harry walks up nervously. Harry grabs the microphone. "Hi I'm Harry Styles and the love of my life is standing right there, Mr. Louis Tomlinson. He has made me the happiest I have ever been in my life. That why I want to change Louis last name to Styles so Louis Tomlinson will you make me even happier and marry me?" Harry was biting his lip nervously. "I-I yes yes of course. I love you so much Hazza." I say as I run and jump into his arms, he slips the band in my finger and we smile as we walk down the stage and to the stands where everyone else is. They continue calling names. Once everyone is done the principal says "Congratulations graduates of 2020". And with that we all throw our caps up in the air and I turn to look at Harry who was already looking at me and we kiss.

The Bet: Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now