32| misreable

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Tyreces pov

"I can't date an east sider," I say to her.

" Ohhh so I'm good enough to fuck but—-"

"I never fucked you Kabrina. Look I can't be your boyfriend or whatever it is you need me to be. Do you know how many girls would kill to be you right now, I give you attention, we practically call every single day and I made you cum. What more do you want!?"

"So you are saying I should just be grateful for what I'm getting?" She asks on the verge of tears.

"Yes dimples I am," I say as I shrug.

"Well, I'm not I want commitment Tyrece,"

"Your family and my family are a part of rivalry gangs it would never work!" I said getting frustrated and angry with her she was being incredibly unreasonable.

"We don't have to be a part of rivalry gangs,"

"You don't even know what you are saying,"

"Okay, then it's better to end this now since it's going nowhere. I don't want a fucking situation-ship I'm more than that. Go be with your west side girls or something," She says aggressively shocking me completely. I didn't expect her to end it.

"Ok," I say as I stand up, I turn to look at her one final time before I walk away. God, she was so beautiful. If I stayed any longer I feared she would be able to convince me into a relationship.

I heard her breakdown, I was so close to turning around and taking back everything I had said. But I don't because that would have possibly been the stupidest thing I could have done.

As I drive home I can't help but think of the predicament Kabrina had put me in. Do I date her or do I let her go? She was right about one thing we were already basically dating I guess to me putting a title on it would make the whole thing real; the fact that I was betraying my family and everything I had ever stood for. And that made me uncomfortable. Fuck.

How did I even get myself into this situation in the first place? I had found her annoying at first, I just wanted to get information about the east siders from her. But now I was debating on whether or not I should betray
my side for her.

Just the other day I shot one of my guys because I didn't like the way he was talking to her.

If I dated her what else would I do for her? Would I help the east siders out, would I betray my people just to please her? If she could get into my head like this over an argument if she could have this much control over me and my actions then what else could she make me do? That woman was dangerous, it was better to stay away.

But with Jamaine in jail, nothing was stopping me from dating Kabrina. It still had to be done in secret of course as it doesn't ever look good when the leader of the gang is dating the enemy's sister.

With him locked away, it meant I could be in control for once in my life. It sure didn't feel like that though, I still felt like he controlled every aspect of my life even from behind bars. But surely he left the gang to me and not to Anthony for a reason. Because I had proven myself worthy. But if I dated her none of that would matter I would practically become the enemy because I would have betrayed my family.

But was it truly ever that deep? I could separate work from my love life millions of people did it every day. Making out with Kabrina from time to time didn't mean I was betraying the Westsiders. Texting her and calling her every day didn't mean I would suddenly turn into an east sider.  It wasn't like I was telling her trade secrets.

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