Chapter 14

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Liz's POV:

    Me and Brian have been dating for a few months now but... I've been losing feelings, I've always questioned my sexuality and I think I might've figured it out, I'm lesbian.

     I walked through the mansion and to Jane's room and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" She asked. "It's Liz" She opened the door a minute later and I walked in. "What's up?" "Well.. I'm pretty sure I'm lesbian." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Really!? That's great!" I looked at her, confused, I knew she was lesbian and no, I didn't like her but I was confused on why she was so happy. "I'm with Brian, but, I think I like Kate." Her smile faded as she remembered I've been in a relationship. "Oh yeah... Well you'll need to break up with Brian if you're lesbian, but hey! You already have a crush on someone! And she's quite your type!" Jane winked, I felt my face go red as I glared at Jane "Shut uuuuup!" I exclaimed. She just sat there smiling at me. "But how am I supposed to break up with Brian..?" I asked she looked down in thought and then back up at me.

Jane's POV:

    When she asked how she'd break up with her boyfriend of literally 7 months now I didn't really know what to do, I thought for a moment and then it hit me. "You can have a coming out party as a way of breaking up with him." I said, she looked at me and nodded. "I guess that's a good idea." She said. "Ok then it's settled! I'll start planning you just chill out."


Still Jane's POV:

     I had the party planned and just needed to go over everything with Liz before actually throwing the party. I walked to her room and opened her door. "Hey Lizzy I have the party planned out I just need to go over everything with you." "Ok, what have ya got?" She said in a rather sing-song tone of voice. I went over everything and she agreed. "Alright then let's go get everything set up and then we can throw the party!"

Liz's POV:

     To be honest I was seriously scared about how Brian would react. Would he be mad? Would he be upset? What if this makes everyone hate me? Ok Liz, calm down, it's just a coming out party. After a few minutes Jane left my room to start getting set up I changed into a purple, black and white flannel and put my hair into a pony tail then headed down stairs. Jane had set up a few simple decorations and was working on the cake. It was multiple thin layers with each layer a different color of the lesbian flag. "Thanks again for helping Jane." I said walking over and starting to make buttercream. "No problem Liz, and hey, don't forget to ask out Kate sometime~" She teased as I blushed a bit. "Yeah yeah what ever." I said as I continued to make the frosting.

No one's POV:

     Once the girls got finished with the cake they called everyone into the living room. Brian looked around, confused as to what was happening. "Everyone we have an announcement!" Jane said, she cut open the cake to reveal the lesbian flag and Brian's heart shattered. "This is Liz's coming out party, she's a lesbian!" Liz looked over everyone that was congratulating her to see Brian standing there with tears in his eyes just staring back at her. She walked away from everyone and over to Brian. "Bri I'm so-" She was cut off. "No, so this is how you break up with me? A coming out party?" He asked the tears slowly falling down his cheeks. "I wasn't sure how else to do it without Jane's help and-" "Oh so Jane was a part of this too!? What do you like her is she you're girlfriend now!?" He exclaimed. Tears came to Liz's eyes as everyone stared at the scene. "I DIDN'T KNOW HOW ELSE TO TELL YOU I LOST FEELINGS OK!?" She yelled. She ran off to her room crying as she locked the door behind her and slid down the wall. "What the hell dude!?" Jeff yelled at Brian. He may not have been the bestest of friends with Liz but he could understand when she was genuinely upset. Jane tried to open the door to Liz's room but she wouldn't budge from her spot. Wouldn't open the door, wouldn't respond. "Liz please open the door..." Jane said, no response. Kate walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder. "Want me to try?" She asked, Jane sighed, she knew that her best friend wouldn't want to talk to her. "Yes please... She won't answer me at all." Kate nodded and knocked on the door. "Lizzy? Can I come in? It's me Kate."

    After a few minutes of waiting Liz got up and unlocked the door then went and sat on her bed. "I'll talk to her, talk to you after wards." Kate said, Jane nodded and walked off feeling guilty for the whole idea of having a party to break them up. Kate walked into the room and sat down beside the girl. "Hey Liz... You okay?" She asked, Liz shrugged. "I don't know... I mean I broke up with Brian, he most likely hates me now. I'm not the happiest person with Jane at the moment." Kate understood and rubbed circles on Liz's back in attempt to calm her. Liz calmed down and put her head on Kate's shoulder. "Thank you Kate." She said. "No problem Lizzy." Kate said in a quite tone. Liz eventually  fell asleep on Kate and Kate stayed there not wanting to wake the girl.

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