Part Four: A Moment of Unity +18

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By: eternityunicorn

Warning: Smutty chapter is smutty! You have been warned!


Whomever had been responsible for the bombing in the bayou remained a mystery. It had been suspected that Marcel and his vampires were the culprits since the wolf on the motorcycle had been a compelled man. However, the former ruler of New Orleans had denied having anything to do with it, according to Hayley, whom had gone to confront him.

Elijah wanted to say that he cared, but he found himself suddenly indifferent. He was instead completely absorbed in being a father to his baby boy. A sense of pride filled him every time he held his child or helped put the child down for a nap or even when he watched Eternity feed their son from her breast. He was completely enthralled with Henrik and the miracle that he was.

And the babe truly was a miracle, given that most vampires couldn't procreate - a consequence of being a creature that took life. Yet, somehow, someway, he had procreated with his wife and now they were proud, loving parents.

The birth of their child helped bring about a bit of unity between the Original and his wife, whom had been at odds as of late.

Like him, the ethereal beauty was very much enamored with their child, always doting on the small infant. Since coming home with their baby from the bayou, she didn't even ask about the wolves, except to question of anyone found out who had bombed the encampment only once. After that, she only seemed to care about her little family, causing the division between spouses to close almost completely.

In the weeks that followed the birth, Elijah found that they smiled and laughed and talked as if they were allies instead of enemies. They also held each other, spoke loving words, and kissed sweetly or passionately as they used to in the early days of their move to New Orleans and certainly, prior to it.

Henrik's very existence had brought his parents back together and the Original couldn't be happier.

Then one afternoon, when Elijah saw Hayley exiting the baby's room in a hurry. She barely looked at him as she passed by. However, the deep determination that he glimpsed upon her face would prove to once more upset the balance between husband and wife. Though, not right away.

"I just passed Hayley. She looked distraught," the Original said as he entered the room to see Eternity sitting in the rocking chair by the crib, nursing Henrik. "Is everything alright, Sweetheart?"

"Everything is fine," she replied softly, not even bothering to look up from their baby. "Dear Hayley is simply concerned with the lack of progress in finding the culprits behind the bayou bombing. I cannot say that I am not concerned as well."

Elijah drew closer, a bit distracted by the lovely sight of his wife and child, "Yes, it is troubling, but the wolves have no shortage of enemies. It could be any number of culprits who would be so bold as to attack the werewolf encampment."

"Aye," she agreed as Henrik finished his meal. "Which is why it's so difficult for our werewolf friend to find the one responsible."

The ethereal beauty seemed to want to say more, but for whatever reasons, decided against it.

The Original watched as his wife recovered her exposed breast as she carefully got to her feet and carried the infant to the crib, laying the tiny creature down in it.

He came over to stand behind the shimmering woman, wrapping his arms around her waist with his head resting upon her shoulder so that he could look at the sweet sight of their babe sleeping.

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