09 | roasted like a turkey

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Logan wasn't sure what he expected when Kate asked to meet him.

But it sure wasn't this.

"You twat," she snapped, flicking him on the nose.


"Yes, ow." She scowled, popping a hand on her hip. "Explain yourself, Logan. Now."

Logan glanced around nervously. He didn't think any of the other shoppers in Harrod's would recognize his name, but you couldn't be too careful. He turned back to the Christmas tree, inspecting several of the glass ornaments. He hoped Kate wouldn't throw any of them at him — they looked awfully expensive.

"Is this because you're hangry?" Logan sighed.

It was Kate's lunch break, after all. Maybe she just needed a good beef Wellington. Or one of those spinach pasties that she liked. Unfortunately, Logan's comment earned him another flick on the nose.

"Ow!" he howled.


"I don't know what I'm meant to have done!"

"Chloe Cartwright?" Her eyes were blazing. "Ring any bells?"

Logan groaned. How the hell did Kate know Chloe? Regardless, she had clearly found out that Chloe had been caught up in their mad scheme. Still. Kate might not know everything, and Logan didn't want to risk making her any angrier. He'd play it cool. Feel it out.

"What about her?" he asked carefully.

"You tell me."

"Er." Logan pretended to study a Santa bauble with interest. "Well, she's about five-foot. Dark hair. She's really clumsy, although—"

"Cut the crap, Winters."

He got the sense Kate was enjoying this. She was slow roasting him like an M&S Christmas turkey. And she didn't intend to stop.

Logan gritted his teeth. When Kate had texted him earlier this morning, he had half-hoped that it would be a date. Which was ridiculous, because Logan didn't date. But clearly, Kate had only texted him because she wanted to yell at him.

Speaking of which.

"How did you get Jack's number, anyways?" he asked.

"Chloe gave it to me," Kate said, her dark eyes blazing. "Yesterday. When I ran into her at Alpine Grove and she told me that you two were dating."



"Right." Logan cleared his throat. "About that..." He placed the bauble back on the tree. "I don't think you really have the full picture."

"Oh?" Kate arched an eyebrow. "Because it seems to me like you've hoodwinked a poor girl into believing that she's dating you when — in reality — she's dating your identical twin brother." She crossed her arms. "Am I warm?"

"Ah," Logan said, wincing. "Maybe you do have the full picture, then."


He started towards a display of recipe books. Kate stalked furiously after him.

"You can't be serious, Logan," she hissed. "What's going to happen when Chloe finds out that it's all for an article?"

"It's not!"


"No, really, it's not," Logan said shortly. "Do you really think I'd do that?"

One look at Kate's face revealed that yes, actually, that's exactly what she thought. Logan winced. Ouch. Kick a man while he's down, why don't you?

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