23 | unexpected presents

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Chloe noticed the box straight away.

It wasn't a particularly  exciting box; the red rectangle was sitting smack-dab in the middle of  their kitchen counter, crammed among fliers and half-eaten take-out.  Like an alien space ship that landed in the middle of a demolished city.

It was the card on top that caught Chloe's attention, though.

More specifically, the scribbled chocolate orange.

"What," she said sharply, "is that?"

"It's a gift," Rowan said.


"From Jack," Rowan added, and Chloe almost jumped out of her skin.

"He was here?"

"Just now." Rowan blew on her fingers, examining the red nail polish. "He said you wouldn't want to speak with him."

Chloe swallowed. She did want to speak with him, actually. Among other things. And that was exactly the problem.

"Well, what is it?" she demanded.

"How should I know?"  Rowan shrugged. "I've hardly developed X-Ray vision, have I?" She  frowned at her nails. "Do you think Lewis likes red, or should I have  gone with nude? I really don't know."

Chloe rolled her eyes. She approached the box carefully, eyeing it like a bomb liable to explode at any moment.

"Well, go on, then," Rowan urged. "We haven't got all day."

"I'm not opening it now."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm upset with him," Chloe huffed. "And anyways, it's not Christmas."

Rowan hopped to her  feet. "Fine. If you don't open it, then I'll do it for you." She seized  the box, shaking it lightly. "Do you think it's chocolates? I really  fancy some of those dark ones, with the almonds at the—"

"Nice try," Chloe growled.

She snatched the box  back, then walked straight to the bin. She hesitated, the present hovering over top of it. Rowan pulled a face.


"Okay, not really," Chloe sighed, cradling the present to her chest. "I'll open it."

She pointedly ignored Rowan's smirk as she tore open the card.

Dear Chloe, it read.

If you're reading this card, it means that you decided not to chuck the present into the bin. I consider that my first victory.

I'm sorry for what I  put you through this Christmas. I can't remember if I said that at the  hospital already — I was pretty high on pain meds. But I am sorry.  Truly.

The truth is that I  would do it all again, though. Spending time with you this December was  the best part of my year. My whole life, maybe. I know you're rolling  your eyes right now, but it's true; I could spend a lifetime on that  skating rink with you.

I'm not very good  with words; Logan has always been better with them. But I guess what I'm  trying to say is that tomorrow, at the party, I hope you choose to go  out on the balcony with me this time. Knowing that it's me.



Chloe read the card twice.

Three times.

She blinked. "I think I'm reading this wrong."

"Which part?" Rowan leaned over her shoulder, scanning the lines. "Looks pretty  straightforward to me." She shrugged. "He's in love with you. What's  new?"

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