18 | ho ho ho-rrendous

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Chloe was going to confront Logan and Jack.

Right now.

She huffed up the stairs to the Winters' flat in South Kensington, clutching the stitch in her side. Good god. At this rate, Chloe would hardly be able to sing along to "O Come All Ye Faithful," let alone shout at the boys. She needed to go to more SoulCycle classes, ASAP.

She paused outside the door, listening.

Nope. No carols. The party must not have started yet.

Chloe glanced at her watch. She was 30 minutes early— good. Jack and Logan would be here, but the other guests wouldn't have arrived yet.

Exactly as she planned.

Chloe shifted the box of peanut butter cookies, slamming the brass knocker. Something was going on with the Winters boys. She was sure of it now. Logan's odd behaviour, Jack's disastrous performance on University Challenge... it was all part of something bigger.

She felt like an idiot for not seeing it.

She squared her shoulders. She would chain both boys to the Christmas tree with ribbon if she had to; they were telling her. Tonight.

The door swung inwards.


Logan stood on the threshold. He was dressed in a black jumper with blinking red lights on it, carrying a glass of red wine. His blond hair was still damp from showering. He glanced at his watch, his eyebrows arching.

"You're early," he said.

"Am I?" Chloe blinked innocently. "I must have mixed up the times. Here." She shoved the box of peanut butter cookies into his hands. "These are for you."

"What are they?"

"Cookies," she said.


Logan seemed to accept this answer. He clutched the box protectively to his chest, pushing the door open wider.

"Well, come on in," he said.

Chloe settled at the island as Logan poured her a glass of wine. Across the kitchen, Jack was typing away furiously on a laptop. His jumper — green, with a snowman on it — was equally as garish, although it looked more expensive.


"Where are Laura and Richard?" she asked.

"On their way." Logan passed her the wine. "They're coming straight from the airport; they flew to Spain for a mini break."

Chloe rolled her eyes. Of course they did. She scooped up her wine, wandering closer to Jack's make-shift office area.

"You're not drinking?" she asked Jack.

He shook his head. "Still working."

"On what? Solving world hunger?"

Jack glared at her. "Hilarious."

"Seriously," Chloe said, tilting her head. "What is it?"

Because whatever it was, it looked quite serious. Especially if Jack wasn't drinking. Sheets of paper were scattered around the table, struck through with red pen marks. An empty mug weighed down a thick folder. Jack caught her looking and snatched up several sheets, shuffling them furtively.

"None of your business," he said.

Chloe blinked. Yup. Definitely weird.

"Chloe," Logan called. "Can you help me with this?"

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