Come back

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Daichi was driving in the city, the lights coming and disappearing from his field of view. The evening was cold and dark already, even though it was only 6 pm. He drove by the river, lost in his thoughts. He couldn't think about nothing else but the thing he was about to do. He kept driving for almost thrty minutes.  He parked the car in a narrow parking lot, next to small brown appartments. He stopped th car and got out. He closed the door then lit up a cigarette, sighing. He began to smoke, shivering from the cold weather, more and more nervous every second. It had been three years.

He threw away his cigarette butt and stubbed it out. He turned away to face one of the little houses. It was simple, and had no special decorations. Daichi could see the lights inside, so he was sure there was someone in here. He was afraid there might be someone else other than the person he was looking for. He climbed up the stairs and stopped in front of the large black door. He breathed deeply, and finally, after some time, he knocked. 

His heart was beating awfully fast, and time was flowing by so slowly, he saw himself, in his thoughts, running away outside and forget this nonsense. The five seconds between the moment he knocked and the moment the door handle moved from the other side felt like the longest of his life. 

The door opened slowly, a young man in his early twenties standing on the threshold. When he saw Daichi, his eyes widened because of the surprise.

"Da... Daichi ? he stuttered.

- Suga... Daichi smiled, tears almost coming up to his eyes. I think I'm in love with you.

Suga blinked. 

- Excuse me, what the fuck ? 

Daichi gulped and lowered his sight. 

- Daichi, are you drunk ? Suga asked, concerned.

- I... I'm no-

- Ew ! You stink ! Do you smoke ? That's disgusting...

Daichi lifted up his head to stare back at Suga's face. He smiled sadly. 

- Listen Daichi, I don't know what has gotten into you... Do you want to come inside ? Something seems to be wrong...

Suga opened the door a bit more to let Daichi come inside of the house. The main room was a small living-room, with modern colours and little furniture. 

- Here, take a sit, Suga said. Do you want to drink something ?

Daichi shook his head. Suga looked at him and sighed. He sat next to him.

- What is happening, Daichi ? 

- I've already told you. 

- What ? Suga was raising his voice a bit, starting to feel the anger invade his body.

- I'm in love with you Suga. I'm sorry I-

- So ! Suga shouted, standing up vehemently. You are telling me... You are in love with me !

He paused and let out a nervous laugh. 

- How blissful ! he continued. And how did you think I would react to you telling me that ? I waited ! And I waited long enough, believe me. I told you I loved you four years ago. Four years. You left me without even trying to reach me by any way ! You abandoned me ! You were my best friend...

Tears started to run down his cheeks.

-... and you abandoned me. NO ! You can't do that to me ! You can't come to my house as if you were coming here every sunday, when it's been three years since you haven't spoken one damn word to me. Three years, Daichi. Three fucking years !

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