Robin's sentence

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A few days later, after the incident at the Mutants Territory, GDF commander Robin Atkin Downes was put on trial.

Keith: during the Human/Xillien war, Robin recklessly lead his army through an entire Xillian battle fleet, only one of his men survived

Richard: and during many Kaiju battles he tried to intervene by attacking both kaijus good and bad, wanting revenge on an enemy he cannot ever beat.

J.K: he's also accused of being responsible for the deaths of many great men during said battles.

Robin: all men who perished knew the risks! The Kaijus, like I always said are all the same! Regardless of category!

Jennifer: he destroyed my lab and research and dropped the egg that my crew and I spent months working on into the Mutants volcano! Daikaiju Ōshitsu went down the drain in just 24 hours after it was announced: completed

Robin: you were making monsters!!!

Matthew: he has also gone insane from his anger and hatred for the Kaijus! So much so that I don't think he's worthy of commander anymore!

Robin: Irons, do not listen to any of them! I was striking a blow for the planet! For humanity!

Jeremy: alright, alright you can all stop bickering give me a few moments to think over the facts. Commander Robin Atkin downs, leader of the STAKU squadron I find you GUILTY! Stripped of Commander rank and sentenced to 5 years of prison!

Robin: what!?!? Irons!! You cannot do this!! You know how much I sacrificed!?!

Laura: correction: how much of it was for nothing, oh yes, all of it!

Travis: the real enemy of humanity are the Alien and Mutant Kaijus, along with the Xillians! Not the Earth Defenders!

Daniel: it's Godzilla's world, Robin, we just live in it

Robin was taken away by GDF soldiers and taken to the prison complex.

on the other side of the complex, the High Priest was biding his time, he and his cult will leave the Monarch HQ with what they needed

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