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After Robin was taken away, the K-Squad with Jennifer was settling in the rec room, chilling while Daniel was looking at the island cameras, watching the Kaijus, he noticed the Guardians carrying something strikingly familiar, wondering what they should do with it. Daniel gasped realizing what it was, it was Godzilla and Mothra's egg! it wasn't destroyed after all!

Daniel: guys!

the squad even Jennifer looked at Daniel

Liam: what is it, Daniel?

Daniel: *shows the monitor* Project Daikaiju Ōshitsu, was a success!

Jennifer gave a large gasp of relief and happiness

Jennifer: o thank heavens! the egg wasn't gone.

Laura: yep, though i'm not sure if any of the Earth Defenders know what will come out of the egg, i suggest we get to Monster Island and tell them

Matthew: okay, guys, let's go

Godzilla Ultimate War - Episode 9Where stories live. Discover now