Breaking the news

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The K-Squad, along with Jennifer arrived in the Super-X3 to the islands. They had managed to track down the egg easily it was taken to Infant Island, the home of Mothra and Battra. When they arrived they saw Lady Kong there too.

Tyler: Lady Kong, have you seen a big egg anywhere on Infant Island?

Lady Kong: yes, it's in the cave where Battra and Mothra are keeping it safe until they know what it is.

Jacob; we know what it is, lady Kong

Lady Kong: ah ok

The K-Squad arrived at the cave where the egg was and there was Mothra and Battra

Battra: look who's here sister

Mothra: ah, hello K-Squad, what brings you to Infant Island? *purring*

Daniel: Mosura, we have come to speak about the egg that you and Battra are safeguarding

Mothra: really? what do you know?

Jacob: what if we were to tell you..the egg is your children when it hatches?


Jennifer: allow me to explain, i created the egg as a gift for you and Godzilla, since you two cannot actually breed, i decided with my scientists to create children from pieces of you and Godzilla's DNA

Mothra slowly had tears running down her cheeks at the realisation, she was going to be a mother! 

Mothra: *flaps her wings* i must tell Godzilla! *quickly flies out of the cave crying happily*


Godzilla was minding his own business, eating some radioactive creature to regain energy, then he heard Mothra's cries as she drew closer

Godzilla: Mothra? what is it, my Queen?

Mothra: Godzilla! come with me to Infant Island! *tears down her face* it's a surprise my King!

Godzilla: sure, Mothra *smiles but confused as he followed her*

the King and the Queen arrived back at Infant Island, to the cave and Mothra showed the surprise, Godzilla blinked as he saw the egg and put the pieces together

Godzilla: that egg...does it..

Mothra: yes! we're going to be a family! we've always wanted children!

Godzilla had a tear run down his snout smiling

Godzilla: amazing! *nuzzles Mothra cooing*

Laura: *sighs* this is so romantic..

Travis: the King and Queen finally get to raise the family they've always wanted.

Daniel: *smiles* absolutely

Godzilla Ultimate War - Episode 9Where stories live. Discover now