Lee's past...

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 I continued to sit in my space that I found. I was clutching my walkie-talkie still. I didn't really need it anymore but the hope was reassuring. Lee came over and handed me a nutrishment bar. "Thank you." I smiled. "Anythime." Lee said before he went off again to look for Larry's pills. It was taking aggeeess to find them. After a while, Lee walked up to a door ahead, I was bored out of my mind sat there so I got up and joined hm. He opened the door and I peered through, it was practically a bomb site. It was really messy. There was a mastress on the floor... with red stuff. It looked like ketchup, but who knows in this horrifically real nightmare. Lee muttered something to himself. I pushed the door closed. I waited by the door as Lee looked around the room. Carley was then at the door, I le her in. Lee didn't realize until she said "Find anything?" Lee's back was turned so he was startled. He turned around to face her and said "It's a photo  of the family who owneed this place. It might help us track down the keys to the office. " Carley ignored what he said then confronted him. "I know who you are." I didn't mean to be nosey but I was just waiting for Lee. I stared at my walkie talkie, then checked my nails, I was bored stiff, but then she said who Lee really was. "You're Lee Everet. A professor at Athens who killeda State Senstor who was sleeping with your wife." I was shocked. Lee... Lee killed somebody? That couldn't be true. He was so nice and I trusted him. Carley then carried on. "This is your parent's store, folks around town know that the owner's son got a life sentance. But I'm a reported for WABE in Atlanta. I paid attention to that trial. Maybe you're a murderer. But I don't really care. Frankly, that might be a skill that might come in handy." Lee looked sheepish. "Mmhh." "Did you tell anyone out there who you were or that you were tied to this place?" Carley asked. Lee paused for a second before he answered. "No, I've been sticking to first names for a reason."  "You seem like an ok guy, the last thing we need is drama out there. Also, you've got that little girl to look after." Carley Said before she left the room. Lee then continued to explore around the room. Lee then continued to mutter thinges to himself. Lee then turned to me and asked. "Does everybody out there seem ok to you?" "Yeah, well maybe not the sick guy." I replied. He was spiteful and angry all the time. "Yeah, we'll keep an eye on him. " I don't think Lee liked that man either. There was that thing in the bathroom. It tried to get me." I commented on earlier events. "I know" Lee replied like it was normal. "But you stopped it." I said, shaking my head slightly. "Yeah, I did." Lee replied bluntly. "Can you do that... more?" I asked hopefullly, he had looked out for me ever since I met him, I wanted to keep it that way. Lee smiled and said "well I'm not gonna go looking for them." "I mean, get the dangerous ones. " I said, seriously now. "I'm going to try."Lee then said, also serious. "I'm going to keep looking around. " I  nodded as Lee walked away.

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