a rough beginning

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Chapter 1:


Steven looked up from his paperwork as he heard a loud knock from his office door. He slowly stood from his chair, feeling his legs tingle from not being used for a few hours. He heard another knock - which sounded fairly impatient - while he stretched a little, pushing his mental state to the edge. "Hang on!" Steven shouted, stress practically radiating off of him.  He swiftly walked over to the door and opened the dark oak door, only to see Jack and another phone headed man. His mind raced with a single thought. Was he getting replaced? No, the big boss would have killed him by now if he were. "What?" Steven asked, somewhat glaring at the orange man. "meet Peter. His location was shut down and now he's being forced to co-own this location with you. Be nice phone head." Jack explained, using a warning tone as he spoke with a expressionless face. Steven was a little pissed to say the least, but at least he wasn't being replaced. He let a sigh slip before sticking his hand out for Peter to shake - which was graciously accepted by the other. "My name is Steven. Nice to meet you I guess." Steven deadpanned in a tired tone as their hands dropped back to their idle position. "Well can you give him a tour? I can't at the moment.." Jack muttered, giving Steven a pleading look as he spoke. Steven just mumbled a small 'fine' as he took the other phones hand and began walking down the dusty corridor, not bothering to look where he's going. 

Steven finally released Peter's hand as they entered the security camera rooms rusty doorway, turning to face the suprisingly shorter man. "Well where to first?" Peter asked with a smooth voice - which Steven would never verbally admit is attractive - as they locked eyes. 'no time to be a disaster bisexual-' Steven mentally reminded himself, in an attempt to keep himself from staring for too long. "Right! Let's start by going to the prize corner!" Steven exclaimed, motioning for the other man to follow him as he began walking down the dusty old corridor once more. Peter seemed to get the hint and followed the taller man with his eyes trailing across the dirty hallway's walls that were littered with both kids drawings and random images alike. The silence was quiet deafening for Peter, so in an attempt to stop the silence from getting to him, he decided to make small talk. "How long have you been here?" Peter asked, perfectly masking the anxiety that was plaguing his mind. "...Decades now. What about you?" Steven replied, not minding the small talk one bit. "I've forgotten to be completely honest!" Peter laughed softly, the feeling of reminiscence blinkering in his mind. "Hmm..im not sure how I've kept count myself." Steven mused humorously, hearing a chuckle from Peter. Soon enough their conversation came to an end as they came closer to the noises of bratty kids yelling and the familiar music from the stage faintly playing. The pair of phone headed men arrived at the prize corner, only to be met with the voice of Matt saying his usual creepy greeting. Steven ignored Matt - as per usual - and began explaining the basic safety precautions to the smaller male, who was listening to every word. after around approximately 10 minutes, Steven finally finished the full explanation. "-And that's it! you got it?" Steven finished, locking their eyes - if they had any really - as he redirected his attention the the other man. "yep!" Peter beamed, nodding his head in confirmation. "Well then, off to the stage next!" Steven hummed, walking with Peter directly beside him once more. It was About 1PM and the two had warmed up to each other fairly quickly. Who knew? the protagonist and the other protagonist are mutually friends already? Crazy! enough of this 4th wall break - back to the story! The two made it to the stage within a few moments. After a moment of thought, Steven dragged his companion to a quieter area so he didn't miss a single detail and began explaining all the necessary safety precautions such as if an animatronic breaks down on stage - which was quite interesting actually. Peter listened with his interest peaked on the topic, not once looking away from the other male. "-That should be all for this area, I think. Oh and that's where the customer's get served! Now,  lets quickly cover the kitchen!" Steven spoke, swiftly pointing to where a ton of snotty kids were running wild before continuing the tour, showing the smaller man the way to the greasy kitchen. The taller of the two began another rant on the safety precautions of the room as Peter kept listening. Steven was just glad that the smaller man was actually listening and not mocking him or something like some of the past employees. Maybe it was because Peter was generally interested or maybe he was just a decent human being, but it just made him...what was the word..happy! He hadn't felt genuinely happy since his divorce, in which he lost custody of his kids to his ex-wife. Steven happily continued his rant as he regained his focus. "-And that should be it for the kitchen! We have one last place to go before be can actually begin work." Steven said, beginning to walk to the last area they need to cover - with Peter at his side yet again. The pair made their way to the unsanitary hallway, silently agreeing to avoid the disgusting bathrooms. Peter ignored the overwhelming silence by focusing on the sound of his breathing, feeling a sense of relief as he saw the rusty old door for the safe room. Steven opened the door - after a little bit of fiddling - and entered with the smaller man, already beginning the rant of safety precautions. Peter silently listened to Steven's rant , too focused on the taller man's voice - in an attempt to stop the silence from killing him slowly - to hear the door crash shut. Peter snapped from his trance at a delayed pace and snapped his head around. Steven had also fell silent, stunned by the loud noise at first. "heck." Peter cursed, running up to the door to check for any damage. Steven ran up behind him, immediately noticing what had gone wrong. "The lock broke." Steven muttered, catching Peter's attention. "Oh god..." Peter mumbled to himself, praying the door would open as he grabbed the door knob. it was stuck. Peter turned to face Steven. "Were stuck in here." Peter exclaimed.

(thank you for reading my first chapter! this took a few days so updates will take days at least and if I get distracted - maybe weeks or months so sorry if I just don't update for a while sometimes!!

- Ty)                            

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