The Silence Hurts

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Chapter 2:


Peter pressed his back against the door and slid down, wrapping his arms around his knees. 'Great' he thought, sighing shakily to stop the silence from setting in. Steven's thoughts came to a close as he sat next to Peter. The taller phone wasn't stupid. He recognized the signs of sedatephobia. The loud sighs, the fact that the other was so caught up listening to him that his reaction was delayed when the door slammed shut and the small talk. "Since we are probably gonna have to spend the night here, might as well talk, right?" Steven chuckled, breaking the silence - much to Peter's appreciation. "yea..." Peter trailed off, unsure of what to really say. Peter looked around the room a little, spacing out as his eyes trailed the dark room. The walls were stained with years of mold, blood stains and unidentified liquids and the floor was stained with more unidentifiable substances, which was not surprising. The roof had a single light that had a smashed lightbulb in - meaning they were stuck in the dark, literally. There were two sets of shelves that lay neatly above the springlock suits and a picture of fredbear that had been vandalized to warn newer employees. His thoughts ended with one thing in mind - it was freezing cold in there. "It's quite cold in here." Peter noted with a small shiver. Steven was used to the cold due to how he used to do the nightshift, so he was quite used to the chilly air. He stood up and offered his hand to the smaller man, who took it while tilting his head in a confused manner. Steven pulled Peter to his feet, leading him to one of the corner's of the room. Peter picked up what Steven was doing quickly and sat down next to him, feeling the silence stabbing him in the brain slowly. "Sedatephobia by any chance?" Steven questioned, watching as the other man tensed. "Y-yea." Peter replied, relaxing ever so slightly. "Well we can talk until you fall asleep if you want." Steven offered, hearing a quiet 'that would be nice' from the man beside him. 

"So, anything you wanna know about this location?" Steven asked. Peter pondered on the question for a moment before replying. "How does Bonnie loose his face? Shouldn't it be secured on or something??" Peter questioned, confusion riddling his voice. "I'm honestly not sure myself. Probably Dave and Jack though." Steven hummed, hearing a chuckle from the other man. The pair soon fell into deep conversation about a variety of different topics, such as the animatronics, certain employees, family and all sorts. Peter's eyes were beginning to get heavy under the phone mask after a few hours of conversation and Steven was obviously tired himself. Peter had fallen victim to sleep first, resting his phone head on the taller man's shoulder. Steven had felt the smile tug at his lips under his phone mask before he had to catch Peter from falling over and hurting himself by accident, which would hurt like hell - Steven would know. In his fatigued state, the taller pulled the other into his lap as he fell into a peaceful sleep. Both blissfully unaware of what was watching unaware of what was to come in the near future. The unidentified entity watched with white eyes that resembled pupils. 'Soon...' the creature's mind rumbled before it disappeared into the darkened hallways that made the unsanitary pizzeria, avoiding the night guard and cameras as it left. 

The creature's eye lights scanned the pizzeria's entrance as it studied the animatronics' carefully. The figure stopped on The Puppets music box. Perfect. The creature's face had a twisted smile on it's face as it's plan formed in its mind. However, the sun was beginning to rise and forced the creature back to the shadows. It scowled and disappeared, spitefully plotting for the next night.     

Rough beginnings, beautiful ends (Stevenpeter/Steven x Peter)Where stories live. Discover now