Flustered awakenings

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Chapter 3: 


Steven slowly opened his eyes under the phone mask, flushing a dark red upon seeing the position he was in. He was leaning against the corner of the dusty room with his arms wrapped around Peter, who was cuddled up to his chest while flat out - or so he thought. The taller male was so busy trying to think of a way to move without waking Peter that he didn't notice the other woke up until the man in question tensed up in his arms. Peter's mask couldn't hide the scarlet blush that plagued his face as realization came crashing down on him. Steven quickly let go, spluttering out apologies with his face a dark crimson. Peter visibly relaxed as he burst out in hysterical laughter, soon hearing the other phone headed man burst into hysterics himself. Peter stood up after his laughter calmed down, hearing the satisfying pop of his joints as he stretched. Steven got up himself, stretching slightly as he walked over to the rusty door. Steven took a closer look at the lock, immediately noticing a dent. "Someone broke the lock I think. There's a dent..." Steven called out, hearing footsteps before he heard Peter's voice. "Maybe it was an accident or something!" Peter said, watching Steven straighten his figure and nod in response. "Until Jack or Dave arrive at work were gonna have to wait for a few hours..." Steven muttered as the awkward silence came in like a tsunami. The pair sat in silence, unable to find the right words to say with the sound of Peter tapping his finger on the ground echoing in the background. Eventually they managed to start a conversation about something or other, even though the awkward feeling wouldn't leave them be as they kept on chatting away an hour or two. Their attention changed from the conversation the the rusty and broken door at the sound of Dave and Jack's voices. 

"The door is jammed shut sportsy!" Dave's muffled voice exclaimed, followed by a sigh. "We'll have to break it down then. This is the only place they could be." Jack said, his voice being muffled by the thick walls. The pair of phone heads backed away from the door as they heard a loud clang. Within a few seconds, the door was flung against the wall - revealing Dave with a sledge hammer and Jack a few feet away. The pair of colourful zombie's peered in the room, seeing the two almost instantly. "You two ok? How long were ya here?" Dave questioned as he placed the sledge hammer against one of the stained walls. "Were fine. We had to stay here the entire night though." Peter said, trying to ignore how awkward him and Steven had been for the early hours of the morning. Jack stepped forward as the phones exited the dark room, taking a position next to the purple murderer. The phones both brushed off the dirt as jack began talking. "basically you have to share Steven's office because we have literally no other rooms!" Jack exclaimed as Steven and Peter internally screeched, his face stretched into its usual grin. "You told them, there. Now...cuddles?" Dave purred with a pleading look in his eyes, only to be picked up swiftly by the orange zombie. The couple of colourful corpses left their - slightly flustered - bosses in an uncomfortable silence. "L-let's get going then." Steven muttered, mentally cursing the stutter. Peter nodded as he followed the other male, trying to ignore his internal pan-ic. The almost suffocating silence left them both speechless as they walked toward the muffled sounds of disgusting toddlers that lay beyond the doors ahead of them, the sound soothing the ringing that had begun to develop in Peter's ears as they walked. The dim hallway lightened as the taller pushed open the doors, letting the shorter man enter the significantly brighter room. The tension between them stayed with the pair of phones as they made their way through the crowds of snotty brats and entitled parents alike, until Peter fell behind a little - somehow managing to loose track of the other man. It was fairly busy since it was afterschool hours, so even some teens were hanging around. Steven however, took a few minutes to realize he had lost his new work companion. Upon realization, the tall male sighed as he turned to look for the other phone in the crowd of customers. Steven's eyes skimmed across the crowd, knowing they were wasting precious time - at least until he bumped right into the man he was looking for. Peter snapped his eyes shut under the mask, expecting to crash onto the tough floor. A few seconds passed and he opened his eyes, only to see that Steven had caught his waist - effortlessly pulling him onto his feet. The pair of phones chuckled to themselves as both straightened their posture, feeling the heat burn both their cheeks softly. "Well, shall we continue?" Steven muttered, gesturing for Peter to follow him. Peter shyly nodded, still a little embarrassed of the situation. The pair - once again - set off for the office they were gonna be sharing, still a suprisingly awkward about the recent events. Eventually they managed to make it through the swarm of customers that came with the afterschool rush hour, both audibly sighing in relief as they entered the hallway. Peter hummed a tune as the pair continued down the empty hallway, playing close detail to practically everything. The walls were clean, but were obviously aged over time and the lights were in desperate  need of a few lightbulb changes but that was all the flaws he could spot before his trance was broken by one of the lights blinkering slightly. Steven on the other hand was simply gazing between where he was going and the old blinkering lights that really need to be replaced at some point. Eventually the pair stopped outside a door that had the words 'Phoney's office' engraved roughly into the dark oak door - which was non other that Daves doing of course. Steven reached out and opened the door, walking in with Peter trailing behind.

(YOOO I FINISHED IT :D enjoy til next chapter!!)           

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