Chapter 2: NIKOLAI

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Ian stormed away from me, cursing under his breath as he went. I worked hard to suppress my chuckle. I wouldn't put it past him to hear my laugh, turn back around, and rock my shit.

He was Ian after all.

I sensed movement from the corner of my eye, watching as Nat hesitated to come toward me. Mickey stood beside him, a silent giant. The guy was at least a head taller than me. What was he... 6'4"... maybe even 6'6"? He towered over everyone, his athletic build evening out his proportions. Mickey was staring hard, waiting for Nat to make his decision. I thought about that for a moment. What was Mickey's motive in all this? Was he just a silent observer... or was he more?

Ian and Nat were the best friends. That was obvious. The two stuck together like glue, their platonic lovey doveyness sometimes nauseating. However, where Nat and Ian were, Mickey would be there for sure. The guy was practically their shadow, his larger than life body somehow still able to blend into the background.

"Nikolai?" I was snapped out of my musings by a soft little voice. I focused my eyes on Nat, who seemed unsure if he should even be speaking to me.

"Hey." I greeted him, looking over his head at Mickey who stood silently behind him, still staring. Mickey's stare was unnerving to say the least.

"I'm surprised to see you." Nat spoke, a little more confident this time. "Ian didn't mention you'd be doing this too."

"Ian isn't exactly on board yet." I admitted. Nat frowned instantly, his loyalty kicking in. If Ian was not happy, Nat wouldn't be either. "I didn't think you'd sign on. Wouldn't this look bad for you, image wise?"

"Ian is not bad for my image!" He snapped, as if this wasn't the first time he had to say it.

"I didn't say he was. I'm referring to the reality tv thing." I defended myself. "Isn't that a big no no for modeling?"

"You're a model and you're here." Nat pointed out.

"I don't model anymore." I shrugged.

"Why not?"

"No real reason." I lied, remembering my dad's soft warning. 'Don't make waves' he had demanded. Modeling, unfortunately, made far too many waves.

"Well-" Nat started before the hall was echoing Ian's dad's voice.

"Why the hell is it so quiet in here? I said fucking film! Someone turn on some music! God, am I the only one who has ever seen a show before? Ian! Get your fucking friend and do something interesting! Nat! Upstairs! Now!" Ian's dad was ranting and everyone around us began to rush to follow his orders.

"He's a real peach." I mumbled to Nat, who looked scared to move.

"Ian said he's just on edge. Tonight's episode is live. Right now we're shooting B-roll and the better it is, the more people will tune in. I'm not used to film so... I don't really know how it goes, but Ian said the yelling is normal."

"Nathaniel! Do I need to yell louder? Seriously people, we're on a fucking schedule! Get it together!" Ian's dad was yelling again. This time, Nat jumped to action. He practically ran up the stairs, leaving Mickey and I alone.

"How are you doing?" I asked, not expecting a verbal answer. Mickey just shrugged, running a hand through his dirty blonde curls. "Still a man of few words, i guess." Mickey nodded, choosing that moment to take a seat on the marble floor. Feeling a bit awkward, I sat down too. We sat side by side in silence for a few moments, the quiet not altogether uncomfortable, but curiosity got the better of me. "So...your family is like rich rich right? Like obscenely rich?"

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