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A.N: I forgot to update again, sorry!

For the most part, Prince Benj and his only remaining companion were alright. Each of them had their fair share of injuries, the Prince especially, whose left arm was a mess of burns and cuts. He was the worst of them and even with one arm out of commission, he was still able to fight, still wanted to fight.

Even though none of them got along, Orvo was going to stay with them on their slow journey towards Ziya. They needed a doctor with them and Orvo couldn't exactly go back to the camp without something bad happening to him. Neither party was happy about it, but it was the only thing they could do if they wanted to survive. It didn't matter if Orvo was Ishini, he was happy enough to help them. It was his job as a doctor.

"Are you going to be alright to get to Liman on your own?" Benj asked him, frowning at Emrick's empty hands. He had no supplies, all of it left behind in the camp.

"Probably not," he said with a shrug. "But there isn't much I can do about it."

The Prince rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the burlap sacks that sat on the floor. "This has a little food in it, but it's not much," he said.

Emrick pushed it away. "Keep it, there's more of you," he said.

Instead of accepting it, Benj forced the bag into his hands. "You won't make it without food. Liman is days away. Don't be an idiot," he replied, raising an eyebrow at him. Before Emrick could do anything, he dropped his hands, forcing him to keep the sack. It seemed that what had happened at Maeve had changed him, made him kinder. If only it had been something better than slaughter.

"Thank you, Your Highness," he said.

"Of course. I shall see you and Rina in Ziya, I presume?" Benj asked, a twitch to his lips. Neither of them knew if Rina and Isiah were alright, but all they could do was hope.

He nodded anyway, it was the only thing he could do. "When you do, all of this will be over," he said, hoping that it was the truth. They needed to win, him and Isiah and Rina, or Vishera was lost. Ishin was free and destroying everything that stood in his path. He needed to be stopped if they wanted to live.

The archer, whose name Emrick hadn't learned over the last few hours, nodded to him in thanks. If it hadn't been for him, all three of them would be dead at the hands of brutal Ishini who had no sense of respect. Benj's companion wasn't a part of the army, just someone who had gotten caught up in the mess the monarchies had created. They deserved what had happened to them.

It was the same with Orvo, who had only wanted to help people. One conversation with him had changed a lot of what he thought about the people in the army. Those like Daan, who lay dead in the snow outside, deserved what they had been given. Orvo didn't, not from what he had seen. He hadn't tried to hurt anyone and had instead aided injured enemies without a thought.

When Emrick walked up to him, he let out a tired sigh. "I have no idea what is going on with you, kid," he said, leaning against the wall of the hut. "None of this makes sense. Your abilities... I've never seen anything like it. You're planning something, aren't you? Something to do with the King?"

There was no point in hiding anything from him anymore. "I'm going to help someone end this war," he answered.

Orvo let out an incredulous laugh. "Somehow, I don't even doubt you," he replied and ran a hand through his hair. "Good luck, kid. Hopefully, I will never see you again."

"Hopefully," Emrick agreed. He'd only known the doctor for a night and he'd basically ruined his life as a result. It wasn't fair on him, but there hadn't been much choice, there hadn't been a reason to kill him. Emrick was bad luck, but it wasn't a surprise to him.

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