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She had always kept her dreams small and simple. (More so, she had to...) Freedom? That's asking for far too much. 'How foolish...' she had thought to desire such a ridiculous thing.

Trudging down an earthy path which lead back to her village, she made plans to visit the market, largely due to the constant growl of her stomach and empty shelves lining her rickety old shack. (Not to mention she lacked anything akin to a green thumb.) She hated visiting this place. Piercing, hateful stares, over what? She had no idea... superstitious bastards...

It had always been this way, for as long as the young girl could remember. She'd be lieing if she said she had gotten use to it, only good at hiding the endless feeling of isolation. In fact, she hated this tiny, little town. It's as if out in all the worlds oceans and islands on them, she was meant to be on this one, and stay. Why? It's anyone's guess. But there sure as hell is nothing for her here, and nowhere to go. 

The market was as packed as she had expected, she couldn't bare holding the possible glares, instead, decided to meet hers with the sky, one in which was just beginning to set. If there was anything to miss about this place, it'd be the breath-taking sunsets (even cluttered over with towering oak trees).

Various smells wafted from vendor's carts, all were practically drool-worthy. The small amount of beri jingling in her [money holder of choice] reminded her she really needed bread and milk. (Law: "I don't like bread!" Edward: "I don't like milk!" Me: ''Ahaha...Sorry for the interruption, Reader-chan, I had to...") And that's where she was heading, until a very eager looking young man had stopped her in her tracks. But not with force, no, at least not physically, it was something else, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. But whatever it was, it sure as hell kept her there. She took this time to examine his features.

The sandals were an odd touch paired with jean shorts and a deep red fabric he used as his top, not to mention the harsh shade of yellow cloth wrapped around his waist. As peculiar as it was, it all just seemed to fit him, especially the straw hat resting on top of his raven locks. As for his companion, or at least she assumed he was since he looked to be scolding the ravenette, he was clad in a fairly formal looking suit, lazily, a cigarette hung from his lips, and bold blonde hair framed his face. The most notable thing about this grumpy young man, is his oddly curled eyebrow. 'It takes all kinds...' she mused.

Glancing back at the object--in this case, young man-- of interest, the feeling only heightened, this sensation seething in her gut was new to her. Never had something quite like this course through her veins, and she liked it. She's a highly intelligent young lady, she could figure it out, if only she wasn't so awe-stricken.

Only then did she notice the strange sent filling the air, it wasn't bad, nor was it good. The better term for it would be intoxicating. Then she realized the tingly in her fingertips. And all to late she discovered what the smell was, promptly before greeting oblivion in solemn embrace.

Author's note: Rather short for my taste, but I was just really eager to get this out. And editing takes quite a while, added so, I'm an atrocious speller. Anyways next chapter shall be far longer than this. Tsugi no jikan made, Reader-chan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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